Although a put option contract gives you the right to sell your stock at a designated price, most put buyers don’t actually use their contracts to sell that stock. Rather, they typically sell the put option contract to someone else without any stock transaction ever taking place.
This is similar to the way a futures contract is traded. For example; a futures contract represents someone’s intent to buy sugar. If the price of sugar goes up, the investor would most likely sell the futures contract at a profit, rather than using it to buy a truckload of sugar and then tying to sell it to the local grocery store.
Most people will tell you that trading options is a very risky strategy. Well, that all depends.
You can put all of your money into a single biotech stock that’s about to announce whether or not its only major drug will receive FDA approval. You could also own all of that stock on margin, which adds to your risk exposure.
But just as there are more-conservative ways of investing in stock, there are ways to approach buying puts in a more-conservative fashion as well. It all depends on the strategy you use, and I will show you how to cut your risk when playing the options market with puts.
You must always remember that each option contract represents 100 shares of stock. If your option contract trades from $7 to $8 per share, then the value of the contract will go from $700 to $800. So, 10 option contracts represent 1,000 shares of stock, which means the value of those $7 contracts becomes $7,000 (i.e., $7 per share times 100 = $700 per contract times 10 contracts = $7,000), and so on.
Buying puts is similar to “shorting” a stock (which is betting on the stock trading lower by selling it first, and buying it back at a cheaper price). Instead of shorting the stock, you are purchasing an option “contract” that gives you the right to short (or sell) the stock.
Buying “in-the-money” puts carries less risk than shorting a stock. The most important thing to remember is that if you would only be willing to risk short-selling 500 shares of a $40 stock, then you should only buy five put options contracts on that same exact stock and nothing more.
In other words, buying 500 shares of a $40 stock is a $20,000 trade. (Although you are shorting the stock, you will eventually have to “cover” your position. Assuming the share price does not move, you would have to spend $20,000 to buy back the shares you shorted.)
If you would normally risk selling 500 shares short, then you certainly should NOT buy $20,000 worth of put options (which is a common and sometimes very tempting mistake to make). That would defeat the purpose of buying puts instead of shorting stock, and if you are wrong, you can lose your entire $20,000.
(This, by the way, is your maximum risk as a put option buyer, whereas your risk is unlimited when shorting stock, as the share price could climb infinitely, and you would have to buy back shares at the new market price to cover your short position.)
You must remember that you are taking a conservative approach using an options strategy in an effort to reduce your risk.
For example, if the put option is quoted at $7 (each contract representing 100 shares of stock, which means it will cost $700 per contract), then you should buy five put options (representing 500 shares), which would cost you $3,500.
If you invested that entire $20,000 in the puts, you are buying the right to short (or sell) almost 3,000 shares of a $40 stock. You must keep this perspective.
Which brings me to …
What do you do with the remaining $16,500 out of the $20,000 that you would have used to cover your short stock? (Remember, we only used $3,500 on five put contracts at $7.)
LEAVE IT IN CASH! Consider it part of this trade … the capital that is impossible to lose (which is pretty much the case). Reserve it for when you want to trade stock again. Don’t use the remainder, not even to buy other options.
Remember that you are being conservative here. What I’ve just suggested that you do with this one position is what you should do with each position that you play when you replace stock with options.
So what is the benefit of replacing stock with options? The benefit is simple.
Normally when you sell a stock short, you have unlimited risk. The mere fact that there is so much risk involved tends to steer investors away, keeping them from profiting from a down market.
So at this point, you may be thinking to yourself, “If I did sell a stock short, couldn’t I just limit my downside by implementing a stop-loss (an agreement to close out a position — in this case, to buy the stock back — at a pre-determined price) with my broker?”
You could, but there are two problems with that line of thinking:
Problem No. 1
Suppose you are betting that a $40 stock will trade lower, and you sell the stock short. And when the market closes, the company whose stock you shorted might announce that it has been acquired at a higher price, or that it landed some sort of major contract.
This could cause the stock to open up much higher when the market opens the next day. If that were to happen, you would automatically have to buy back the stock that you had shorted, at a much higher price, resulting in a giant loss.
The “stop-loss” automatically triggers once the stock has hit, or traded through, a certain pre-determined price. For example, let’s say that the stock that you have shorted closed at $43 and you have a stop-loss order to buy it back if it trades at or above $45.
After the market close, the company announces some huge deal that causes the stock to open on Monday at $100. Since the opening trade on Monday is at $100, the next trade will probably be the price that you cover your short at. You’ve then lost $55 per share more than you thought that you were limited to losing with your $45 stop-loss!
And if you shorted the stock on margin, both you and your broker are going to have a very bad day.
When you are shorting a stock, you risk losing even more money than you had invested in the trade!
Problem No. 2
Even if that fluke doesn’t occur, what if you have shorted a stock at $40 in the hope that it trades down to $25, and you put in a stop-loss order to “cover your short” (i.e., buy the stock back) at $45, in an effort to limit your downside to 12.5% (or five points)?
The downside here is that your stock can trade up to $45.15 — even just briefly — and you will have automatically bought the stock back and taken your loss. It’s never fun to then see that stock trade down to $25 like you thought it would, when you don’t realize the 15-point profit because you have closed out (or “covered”) your short position at $45.15.
Now, let’s assume again that you are willing to risk the five points if you knew that would be your MAXIMUM loss when shorting the stock. Well, when you own the right put option on the stock, you are risking about the same amount that you were willing to risk when shorting the underlying stock, but with a put you know that your maximum loss IS about five points.
Example: Suppose the stock climbs to $45 and then keeps on climbing further to $49. You can still stick with the put position, as your risk is predetermined.
As a matter of fact, chances are that if the stock traded to $49, your puts would still have some value. If the stock swings up to $49 but then drops back down to the original price of $40, you will be able to recover almost all of your original investment.
If the stock then drops to $25, you will realize your profit.
So the benefits are that you know for a FACT what you are risking (unlike when you use a stop loss order on a stock), and you may be able to profit, even if the stock swings the wrong way before heading in the direction that you wanted it to.
That brings us to Rule No. 3 …
What do I mean by that?
Let’s say that a stock that you think is going to trade lower is at $40 per share. You may have several puts to choose from.
For example, study the option chain below:
Option | Cost |
XYZ April 35 Put | $2.50 |
XYZ April 40 Put | $3.75 |
XYZ April 45 Put | $5.65 |
XYZ April 50 Put | $10.25 |
The XYZ April 45 Put is in-the-money by five points, because the stock is trading at $40. In other words, if I owned a put option contract that gave me the right to sell XYZ stock at $45, and at the same time the stock had a current market value of $40 per share (where I could purchase it), I could make a five-point profit on the difference between the sell and the buy if I were to execute both trades simultaneously.
Notice that the April 45 Put above is trading at $5.65. The option — which, as I mentioned, is five points in-the-money — is worth at least $5 since one can profit $5 per share from the difference between where we can sell the stock and where we can buy the stock the same day.
So why is it at $5.65 and not just $5?
In that $5.65 put option, the $5 by which the option is in-the-money is called the “intrinsic value.” The remaining 65 cents is called “time value” (or “extrinsic value”).
The reason that the option is trading at $5.65 (i.e., 65 cents higher than $5) is because the put option is considered to have additional value since it won’t expire for several months.
If your stock trades in the wrong direction (i.e., up, if you’ve bought a put option), having several months until the option expires gives you the luxury of having time on your side to wait it out, and see if the stock does what you want it to. The longer your option has to expire, the more time value may be included in the price of the option.
For example an XYZ year 2010 Jan 45 Put (which expires eight months later than the example above) might be trading at $6.65 ($1 more than the example above), which would mean that it has $1.65 in time value and still has $5 intrinsic value, as it is still five points in-the-money.
As illustrated in the option chain above, an option contract that is deeper in-the-money will have less time value than one that is less in-the-money. The price of an option that is not in-the-money at all will only consist of time value, which means that if the stock trades flat, your option would trade to zero.
Hence, this is the reason that we look for options that are in-the-money.
So, when you are shopping for options, look for one that has very little time value in it due to the fact that it is “in-the-money.”
The way to find a put option that is in-the-money, and by how much, is to first look for put options that have a strike price that is higher than the actual stock price. (If the strike price of a put is lower than the market price of the underlying stock, it is not “in-the-money” — it’s “out-of-the-money.”)
Then, subtract the stock price from the strike price of the option. In this case, with XYZ stock trading at $40, we would look at buying the XYZ April 45 Put since that strike price ($45) is higher than the stock price.
$45 (strike price) – $40 (stock price) = $5 (intrinsic value, or in-the-money).
Since the option is trading at $5.65, we know that the remaining 65 cents is the time value (extrinsic value).
The idea is to use a put option that has very little time value so that your trade is almost solely affected by the stock’s price movement and not time deterioration.
Your put option will lose its time value as you get closer to the expiration date. Picking a put option that will give you twice as much time as you believe that you need for your position to work out is also usually a wise idea, since trades often don’t go exactly as you expect them to, so you want to have a (time) cushion.
In the example above, with an April 45 Put trading at $5.65, the most I stand to lose is 65 cents (my time value) if the stock trades flat during the coming months. That’s a small price to pay for all of the benefits that come with this strategy.
If the stock trades up to $70, I only lose $5.65 per share (the value of the put option) rather than losing $30 per share (the difference between $70 and the price at which I would have shorted the stock, which was $40).
If you read this over and over and you search around on the internet and learn about this technique, it will be more than worth your time. It may save you thousands, or millions.
Think of how many hours you work each day to earn the money that you are investing. If you could save yourself 25% of the value of your stock portfolio, divide that value by how much you earn per hour. Is it worth spending a few hours to understand this?
Once you are familiar and comfortable with it, it’s your knowledge to keep for the rest of your life.
Chris Rowe is the Chief Investment Officer for Tycoon Publishing’s The Trend Rider. To learn more about him, click here to read his bio.
If you enjoyed this article from Chris, you may also want to check out his thoughts on the “Benefits of Buying In-the-Money Call Options” and “Success With Naked Puts.”