Tuesday Apple Rumors: iBookstore Highlight of Next Media Event

daily apple rumors AAPLHere are your Apple rumors and AAPL stock news items for Tuesday:

Apple Preps January iBookstore Media Event in New York City: While consumers and investors alike are chomping at the bit for Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) to hold a big press event so it can get on with announcing the next iPhone or iPad, they’re going to have to wait for Apple’s actual next press event to come and go before satisfaction arrives. A Monday report at All Things Digital, later “confirmed” by Tech Crunch, said Apple will be hosting a media event later this month to talk about new changes to the iBookstore. Tech Crunch‘s unnamed source said Apple devotees shouldn’t expect any “major” reveals at the event. Perhaps the company plans to rename the iBookstore the iKindle store in hopes of tricking would-be e-book shoppers?

Analyst Says Amazon Kindle Fire Didn’t Hurt iPad Too Bad: While Amazon‘s (NASDAQ:AMZN) Kindle e-bookstore traditionally has outsold Apple’s iBookstore (thus making the above joke hilarious), the two companies have been on reverse footing when it comes to actual hardware sales. Some Wall Street analysts believed Amazon might turn the tide on Apple when it came to Kindle sales versus iPad sales with the release of the Kindle Fire tablet. While the Kindle Fire has been a sales success for Amazon over the holiday period, at least one analyst believes it hasn’t delivered a killing blow to iPad sales. According to Apple Insider, Morgan Keenan analyst Travis McCourt said Amazon, having sold approximately 4 million to 5 million Kindle Fires over the holiday, likely only stole between 1 and 2 million iPad sales. As a result, McCourt now believes Apple only sold around 13 million iPads over the holiday quarter — less than the 16 million he was previously expecting but still more than the 11.2 million iPads sold during the year-ago period.

Samsung Steals iPhone Ad Girl for Galaxy Tab Commercial: Samsung‘s (PINK:SSNLF) rascally digs at Apple continue. First the company used Apple’s attempts to block the Galaxy Tab from going on sale in Australia as a selling point for the device. Now Samsung is stealing the actresses from Apple’s commercials for its own. A Saturday story at TNW (via 9 to 5 Mac) said a new commercial for the Galaxy Tab is not only styled after Apple’s commercials, but it uses the exact same actress from a recent commercial for the iPhone 4S. Coincidence or hilarious corporate japery? You decide.

As of this writing, Anthony John Agnello did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned stocks. Follow him on Twitter at @ajohnagnello and become a fan of InvestorPlace on Facebook. For more from the company, check out our previous Apple Rumors stories.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2012/01/apple-rumors-ibookstore-amazon-kindle-fire-ipad-aapl/.

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