Rohit Chhatwal

Rohit Chhatwal

Rohit Chhatwal has worked in the technology sector for over 4 years. This included working with industry stalwarts like IBM. He has done his MBA in finance and has been covering various blue-chip stocks for the past 5 years.
Having hands-on experience in the tech industry has helped him gain valuable insights on the ups and downs of this sector and predict winners and losers more accurately.

Recent Articles

Forget the Trade War, Alibaba Is Winning the Cloud Wars

Alibaba is building a big lead in cloud market share in China, and BABA stock improved its market share in South Asia and Southeast Asia.

Apple’s Research Bill Is Pressuring Margins

Apple stock faces new challenges in the next few quarters as operating margin continues to decline due to higher research expense.

Growth of AWS Keeps Pushing Amazon Stock Forward

AMZN stock can return better returns as the operating margin and revenue share of AWS increases in the next few quarters.

Lyft and Uber Have a Big Lesson for Tesla

Elon Musk is betting that TSLA stock will see gains from an autonomous ride-hailing option, but it will also lead to low margins.

Amazon’s Subscription Segment Is Poised for More Growth

Amazon stock has significant upside potential due to strong subscription revenue growth potential for AMZN in the next few quarters.