Financial Advisor Center

At InvestorPlace, we believe that true earners are lifelong learners. The stock market never ceases to throw curveballs. Even professionals need financial advice, and our Financial Advisor Center provides top-tier investment advice that portfolio managers, technical strategists and even quantitative analysts can use to educate themselves and enrich their clients’ lives.

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7 Reasons the Housing Market Will Keep Booming

The U.S. housing market has posted great numbers lately across sales, prices and future construction. This bodes well for 2015 and beyond.

2 CEFs Presenting Excellent Value Opportunities (DBL, RCS)

Looking at funds that meet or exceed their distribution policies -- such as DBL and RCS -- is a sound way to weed out funds that could erode your capital over time.

Student Loan Forgiveness: Nice, But a Potentially Disastrous Idea

A little student loan forgiveness for attendees of a now-bankrupt for-profit school could avalanche into something much worse for U.S. taxpayers.

How to Forecast Pharma Stocks (PFE, RAD, JNJ)

Pharma companies like PFE, JNJ and RAD are very tricky for fundamental analysts. But principles of relative-strength analysis should still be applied to confirm the fundamental factors.

Best International Investment for the Second Half of 2015: Europe

Technically, the U.S. is expected to outpace Europe in terms of 2015 GDP, but here's why European stocks are the much better play.

Go Commercial: 3 REITs With 8%-Plus Dividend Yields

Commercial real estate REITs, which already sport some massive dividend yields, are enjoying a tailwind that could provide substantial capital gains, too.

Expect Volatility as Greek Debt Drama Escalates

Investors can expect greater market volatility as Athens comes closer to a deadline to avoid defaulting on its bailout package and faces leaving the eurozone.

Beyond Earnings Basics: Consider Return on Assets When Hunting for Stocks to Buy

Savvy investors pay attention to the quality of earnings instead of just getting swept away with the basics. Metrics such as return on assets (ROA) better reflect the quality of a company’s business and investments.

Is a Stock Ever a Good Bet After Short Selling?

When stocks are victimized by short selling, it can be a buying opportunity for some investors. Learn when its a good time to make your move.

Vanguard Launches Alternative Strategies Fund

Vanguard's Alternative Strategies fund launched Thursday night for investors with a minimum investment of $250,000. Here's a closer look at Vanguard's newest fund.

Do Your Detective Work When You’re Buying Stocks

Picking stocks requires an investor to be a detective, a CEO, an investment analyst, a trader and more all at the same time. Here are some tips about buying stocks.

Wall Street Unicorns: When Should You Buy a Tech IPO?

When valuations blow up on a so-called Wall Street unicorn that is having its IPO, investors should do their homework -- and wait a few weeks before buying in.

Investing in the Age of Robo-Advisors

Investors today are getting more comfortable with the idea of turning their portfolios over to robo-advisors for guidance in their investments. But it's not a good idea.

Do Investors Really Need to Invest in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is finally opening its markets to foreign investors, but does that mean it's worth investing in? Here are a few perspectives.

2 Popular Metrics to Help You Invest

Stay focused on being a part owner in great companies and to look for value and growth in your stocks. The P/E and PEG ratios are two tools that can help you do that.

3 Investing Tips to Combat America’s Greatest Fear

I can practically guarantee that you’ll find at least one great investing idea by simply picking your head up and taking in the world around you.

Jobs Slowdown, Higher Rates Kick Stocks Again

It seems that for the first time since 2013, we're on the cusp of a sustained rise in borrowing costs -- one that looks set to happen no matter what the Fed does.

3 Reasons the Stock Market Is Vulnerable Now

Stock market bears are starting to flex a little muscle, and warning signals are starting to flare up left and right. Don't be caught unaware.

Will the Fed? Won’t the Fed? Uncertainty Pushes Stocks Lower

The pressure hitting bonds weighed on stocks Tuesday, and as breadth breaks down, a short-term correction looks increasingly in play.