Financial Advisor Center

At InvestorPlace, we believe that true earners are lifelong learners. The stock market never ceases to throw curveballs. Even professionals need financial advice, and our Financial Advisor Center provides top-tier investment advice that portfolio managers, technical strategists and even quantitative analysts can use to educate themselves and enrich their clients’ lives.

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3 Spring Cleaning Ideas for Investors

Spring cleaning shouldn't just be relegated to clearing up your windows and dusting off bookshelves -- you should tidy up your filing cabinet, too.

High Yield Dividend Investing Misconceptions

Retirement investors looking for high yields may be making a big mistake, as the sustainability of those dividend is in question. Be sure to look deeper!

Bonds for Stock Investors — April

Bonds are the counterweight to stocks in a portfolio, and even if you don't invest, they can provide a great way to monitor to the markets

Heed the Signs, Take Your Foot Off the Gas

Think corporate insiders are trading at a cheetah's pace for the fun of it? A correction's a-comin', and until it does, you should stay away from stocks and favor Treasuries instead.

4 Strategies for Surviving a Market Pullback

Nobody has a crystal ball, but it's not unreasonable to expect that after a 15% run since November, stocks might be ready for a pullback. Here's how you can protect yourself.

Rolling Over Your 401k? Easy Peasy!

Whether you're funding an existing IRA or starting one up, 401k rollovers are an easy process. Just mind the forms.

Tiptoe Into Emerging Markets With EEMV

As emerging markets continue to stall, it may be time to buy growth at a bargain. This low-volatility fund will give you low-risk exposure to the sector.

3 Red Flags Young Investors Should Watch For

While stock research involves a great deal of digging, sometimes you'll be smacked in the face by big, red flags. Don't ignore them.

Don’t Pay Luxury Prices for Consumer Staples

Sell your bloated consumer staples stocks now if you hold them in a tax-deferred account. Overpriced merchandise doesn't provide much protection in a falling market.

Try These 2 Substitutes for Stocks

There's no need to stand on the sidelines while stocks are expensive. If you look in the right places, municipal bonds and currencies can offer similar returns.

Bond Bears Are on the Loose

Even Vanguard has joined the general outcry against bonds, but one of my technical gauges signals that the selling spree is close to exhausting itself.

Check Retirement Plans Like Clockwork

Put it on your calendar to update your retirement account contributions, allocations and beneficiary forms -- it's an important part of retirement planning.

Retirement Planners: Here Are Your Next Possible Moves

The market might be red-hot right now, but you can stay active in your investments without getting burned.

Annuities: A Little Ease of Mind for Retirement

While they're not as sexy as playing the stock market, annuities definitely have earned their place in many a retirement plan.

Keep It Simple: Avoid Annuities

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Annuities grow faster than taxable funds -- but income taxes upon withdrawal can take away a lot of their juice.

Know the Difference Between Good and Bad Buybacks

Stock buybacks might sound like a good investment, but that's only true when the company isn't buying high, and when it's actually reducing shares.

3 Ways to Improve Your Bond Picture

Treasury prices have been falling for months, and 10-year bonds are now yielding steadily above 2%. How to play in this changing environment.

2 Newer Names for Retirement Income

If you’re a retiree who needs income for living expenses, consider these new closed-end funds yielding more than 7%.

3 Good Investing Practices That Apple Made Me Forget

Apple's jaw-dropping fall has me looking back at my investing mind-set during the past few months. It's clear I forgot some "best practices."