Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

India: Putting the ‘Ick’ in BRIC

India's cratering currency and sickly stock market make this developing nation a no-go zone for U.S. investors.

Grab These 3 Short-Term ETF Bargains While They Last

Leadership in the ETF circles has been focused on the regional and larger banks, gold miners, Internet, biotech and restaurant funds.

Dip Into Deere: ETF Alternatives for Hot Stock Picks

This week, we look at the best way to bundle up Deere into a more diversified ETF, and also look at plays for biotechs and food, among other stocks.

3 ETFs to Lower Your Portfolio’s Volatility

Volatility in an ETF portfolio can be managed with more conservative or contrary plays, and here are 3 to look at as an option

Hunting High Yield? Watch the Correction in Preferred ETFs

High-yielding preferred-stock ETFs have been pummeled amid higher interest rates, opening the doors to a buying opportunity. But don't stick your foot in yet.

The Best Technology ETFs Aren’t the Most Obvious Ones

Many investors who want technology exposure choose XLK, VGT or even QQQ as their primary ETF, but two smaller technology ETFs may represent better options.

New ETF Builds a Better MLP Mousetrap … Sort Of

MLPX boasts a dirt-cheap expense ratio, and is great for investors who know what they're getting into. But it's not a pure MLP play.

ETF Inflows: U.S. Still King; Europe on Mend

State Street Global Advisors' monthly look at exchange-traded fund inflows shows two trends: The U.S. is still killing it, but Europe's not so bad either.

Diversify Your Dividends: ETF Alternatives for Hot Stock Picks

This week we look at wide-moat, dividend, shipping, micro cap, and small-cap financial stocks.

Why Follow GURU If You Don’t Know Where It’s Going?

PragCap is skeptical of this "smart-money" ETF that invests based on hedge funds' 13F filings, and you should be too.

2 International ETFs With Strong Recovery Momentum

Several international ETFs on my radar that have picked up momentum from their June lows and appear to be poised for additional upside.

The 5 Best ETFs in the World

A handful of international investments have been downright ugly, but a few locales have bred big profits. Here are the 5 best ETFs in the world for 2013.

Is It Finally Time to Invest in India?

Between its still-booming working-age population and more retail-related reforms, the time to invest in India may be fast-approaching.

Tapering Fears Allayed? The Bond Market Says ‘Not So Fast!’

Stocks and higher-risk segments of the bond market have shaken off concerns about Fed tapering, but Treasuries and MBS are telling a different story.

Equal-Weight ETFs Can Juice Your Returns

The outperformance of equal-weight ETFs vs. their market cap-weighted peers proves that a little balance can go a long way.

3 Funds to Arm Yourself for an Awful August

The dog days of August tend to be among the worst for the market, so put some hedges in place via these three funds and protect your portfolio.

Which Dividend ETF Should You Buy?

Rather than shopping for a dividend ETF on the basis of yield, investors should give greater weight to dividend growth.

The 5 Worst ETFs in the World

2013 has been pretty rough for most international investments. Here's a look at some of the most painful performances across the globe.

Get Facebook and Some Friends: ETF Alternatives for Hot Stock Picks

Consider bundling hot picks in mid-cap, social media, wide moat, value and consumer discretionary stocks via these exchange-traded funds instead.