Calls, Puts & Options Trades

Drill for Upside in the Oil Fund

Think oil prices will move higher or even hold steady into the spring? Consider a moderately bullish options strategy.

Crossing a ‘Bridge’ to Covered-Call Success?

A steady uptrend and strong fundamentals make Chicago Bridge and Iron Company (CBI) a good choice for covered-call traders.

Targeting Instant Cash with Weekly GM Put Options

With lots of room to rise between now and potential resistance at $30, GM looks ripe for a put-selling strategy.

4 High-Risk, High-Return Covered Calls

A look at stocks you can buy that might not be a great idea to hold for the long term, but that you actually want to get called away after selling calls against them.

Goldman Sachs Looks Golden for Bullish Option Traders

Goldman Sachs (GS) bulls can capitalize on the stock's and the financial sector's strength with a short-term bull put spread.

Bears Shopping at Kroger Ahead of Earnings

Options traders use April puts and March calls to target eventual downside in Kroger. The grocer reports earnings on Thursday.

2 Bullish Options Strategies for a Whole Foods Breakout

Option traders looking for Whole Foods to break out to the upside could consider one of two strategies using April-dated options.

Seek Profits in Google With Options

Google is too rich for most stock traders' blood, but you can use this bullish options spread to take advantage of a move higher in the shares.

A Short-Term Trade Idea for Netflix Bears

With more companies entering the streaming video business, can Netflix keep afloat? Long puts may help the bearish cause.

Microsoft Puts: A Little Bet on a Big Move

Microsoft put buyers dream big in the short term with a sizable (but cheap) bet.

Differing Put Strategies Hit Live Nation and BP

Live Nation puts are active in the option pits after earnings disappoint, and BP sees put sellers bet on support.

Big Blue Poised to Break Out

Traders confident that IBM will break out to another all-time high should consider making this call vertical spread play.

Bank of America (BAC) Call Buyers Jump Ship

Options players continue their guessing games with high-volatility Bank of America (BAC).

The Gold Rise Is Back in Play

GLD looks poised to make another run. Bullish options investors can take advantage of gains with this play.

The Trouble With Trading Transport

When oil prices rise, transportation stocks ... well, they do a lot of things. The oil-transport correlation is shaky, so keep your eye on the charts instead.

Wal-Mart Options Active Post Earnings

Short-term options volume spikes as world’s largest retailer disappoints with its fourth-quarter earnings.

Is the China Dragon Running Out of Breath?

China may be focusing on inflation more than stimulating growth.

Paying More at the Pump? Here’s a Way to Get Paid Back

Many oil and gas names are breaking out with the surge in crude.

Apple Options Say the Stock is in Dangerous Territory

America’s favorite pastime used to be baseball. But during the last couple of years, that has changed. The new American pastime has become to get…