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Options 101
How to Profit From Deflation
John Jagerson, Editor, Strategic Trader
Deflation can be extremely disruptive to an economy, but it also can be a source of opportunity. Here are the things savvy investors should consider if deflation starts to take a real hold on the economy.
Option Straddles – Trading Option Straddles During Earnings Season
John Jagerson, Editor, Strategic Trader
You can profit this earnings season even if you have no idea which direction a stock is going to move after the company announces.
Iron Condors vs. Condor Spreads
Josip Causic
Options expert explains the main differences between the iron condor and condor spreads.
Is NetApp (NTAP) an Attractive Aquisition?
Now that the IBM/JAVA deal appears to be off, NTAP is snapping back.
The Life Cycle of Trading Options
John Lansing
Don't let time decay rot potential profits. John Lansing has a game plan.
Option Players are Filling Up on Fuel System (FSYS)
FSYS might be garnering interest as part of the alternative energy stocks or there could be something bigger biting.
Option Approval Levels Explained
Josip Causic
It's vital to know what level of option approval your account has and what strategies you're allowed to employ at each option approval level.
How to Pick the Right Put Option
Michael Shulman, Editor, Options Income Blueprint
Picking the right put option is harder than you think. Once you've found a lousy stock, how do you choose the perfect put option to profit from its slide? Find out here.
Make a Ton of Money Trading in a Volatile Market
Trading in a volatile market is no easy task, but big profits can be made. Find out the secrets to winning more often than you lose.
10 Tips to Manage Risk in a Volatile Options Market
It's a mad, mad, mad, mad market out there. The volatility and utter unpredictability of the equity markets -- and, by extension, the options market -- can frustrate even the best and brightest traders.
Options Trades Point to Possible M&A Activity
It appears corporate merger and acquisition activity may be heating up in AMD, HUM and SNDK.
Will Reinstating the Uptick Rule Send Markets Up?
The SEC is considering bringing back the uptick rule. What will this mean for traders and the markets?
Investing for Inflation vs. Deflation
John Jagerson, Editor, Strategic Trader
The risks and opportunities that follow these economic conditions should influence the way we choose our trades.
Not Sure About Direction? Try a Straddle
Jon Lewis, Contributor
If you think a stock is going to make a big move, but don't know which way it'll go, a small investment could yield big returns if you use this options strategy.
Fixing the Banks — and Your Portfolio
Most of the wealth in the U.S. financial system became concentrated in a small number of institutions whose collective skill was acquisition rather than management. We now have a crisis that requires management -- of the banks and our portfolios.
Acquisition Rumors Boost Stocks
Speculation about acquisitions for HSY and LXK has ramped up call buying.
Ford (F) Revving Up for a Run
It appears trades may be betting that F might really put the pedal to the metal.
Too Many Indicators Can Hurt Your Trading
John Jagerson, Editor, Strategic Trader
The idea that more technical signals improve the probability of a successful trade fails the smell test.
Option Pricing – Why Does My Call Decline When the Stock Gains?
Chris Johnson, CEO, Johnson Research Group
Understanding the factors that affect option pricing is crucial to your trading success.