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Options 101
Use Options to Repair Stock Losses
Options can be used to repair the decline in a stock. Buying a call option spread at different strikes will fix the damage if the stock rebounds.
Netflix Option Spread Too Good to be True
J.W. Jones
The earnings release today by Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) offers options traders a lesson in implementing double calendar spreads.
Buy Call Options in 2011
Investors should buy call options this year as the stock market rises due to favorable economic conditions.
Options and Dividends — When to Exercise
Option owners will want to follow a few rules to determine the best time to exercise their call options to receive a stock dividend.
5 Option Expiration Questions Answered
Option expiration can be confusing for traders of all skill sets.
Hopeium and Leverage Bedevil Options
New option investors often see their great leverage and make the same mistakes time and again. I've been trading and analyzing options since the early-1990s…
VIX is Chartable but its Message Unclear
Adam Warner
Statistical analysis of the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) has imprecise payoffs as it is a statistic not a stock or an index.
VIX Futures VXX, VXZ Look Tired
Adam Warner
Since their introduction two years ago, the VXX and VXZ futures on the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) have dropped dramatically and their premium prices today aren’t appealing.
Time Decay, the Greeks and Options Trading
Time decay is central to the pricing of options premium and is expressed by theta.
VIX Volatility Still on Hold
Adam Warner
The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) isn’t seeing a jump in movement in January but option premium is high.
Stock Volatility Data Joins the Crowd
Adam Warner
The CBOE will popularize volatility on equities by posting data on Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN), Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL), Google (NASDAQ: GOOG), and others.
Options Up in Intel, Down in Supervalu
Options were active, led by Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) going up, Supervalu (NYSE: SVU) going down, and Powershares (NASDAQ: QQQQ) with heavy put volume.
Be a Better Biotech Investor
Jim Woods, Editor-in-Chief, Successful Investing, Intelligence Report, Bullseye Stock Trader
Invest in the biotech sector using an ETF like iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology (NASDAQ: IBB).
4 January Covered Calls to Sell
Mike Scanlin, CEO, Born To Sell
Mannkind Corp. (NASDAQ: MNKD) January calls are popular for covered call sellers, along with Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), Inspire Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ISPH), and Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX).
Early Assignment Can Be a Gift
A rookie option trader should not fear early exercise of an option that he sold as it can prove profitable.
Volatile VIX Should Close 2010 Where it Began
Adam Warner
The VIX in 2010 was highly volatile, tripling in value at one-point, but finishing the year about where it started near $17.
Covered Calls – Should I Roll My Position?
A good covered call option calculator to help you decide whether you can increase your options trading profitability.
VIX Rallies – Christmas Miracle or White Noise?
Adam Warner
There may be less to today’s VIX rally than meets the eye, as VIX futures fail to follow the same large trend upward.
Little VIX Action but Futures Show Rally
Adam Warner
The VIX holiday lull is here for traders though the VIX futures show a rally early next year.