Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

Best Retirement Investing Strategies

Our financial professionals provide investors who are concerned with their retirement the savviest, most actionable advice to live their best financial life. Whether it’s teaching young investors how to invest in their company’s 401k plan, covering the bond market or ranking Vanguard’s target-date funds, we’ll file it here.

AUDIO: Like Father, Like Son? Not Necessarily

A father-son wealth management team chats about what you can learn from your parents, how different generations view money, and what strategies remain timeless.

Your Core Portfolio: Large-Cap Growth Stocks

Anchor the asset class with at least one ETF and stuff the rest with world-class brands that have always been around -- and always will be around. Here are some examples.

We Live in a ‘Do-It-Yourself’ Retirement Era

Interest.com Managing Editor Mike Sante sits down for a Q&A to discuss the harsh reality facing those planning for retirement -- and what they can do about it.

The 2013 Retirement Portfolio Candidates: IAC/InterActiveCorp

If looking for an Internet addition to a retirement portfolio, I would go with IACA over big names like Amazon or Google. Here's why.

Adjust to a Changing Retirement Landscape

Low rates on fixed-income instruments like Treasuries and CDs are giving retirement planners fits. It's time to rethink some of the entrenched income strategies.

How to Protect Your Cash in Times of Crisis

U.S. laws protect investors with monies in both banks, through the FDIC, and brokerage houses through SIPC; but be careful about too much money in one place

Retirees: Your Credit Score Still Matters

Don't think the importance of a credit score lessens once you've hit retirement. There's a number of perks you could miss out on if you don't protect yourself.

Nontraditional REITs Provide Serious Returns

'Weird' REITs are springing up everywhere, with timber, cellphone, and data center operators now qualifying. Here are two of the better players.

Looking for Retirement Income? Stay Away From Utes Right Now

The popular defensive sector -- high dividends and all -- still isn't appealing enough to justify its high price right now.

Goldman Sachs Doles Out Dividend Advice

Goldman Sachs paints a pretty picture for dividend investors -- namely, a world of payouts increasing at a brisk clip.

Richer 401ks: Great Trend, Great Lesson

The average 401k balance now stands at more than $80,000 -- a nice uptick from last year and worlds apart from their 2013 low. But how we got there is important, too.

The Cold, Hard Facts Behind Funding Your Retirement

It's getting much harder to fund a "safe" retirement, and investors need to understand some of the basic moves they should take. Here are some tips to that end

The 2013 Retirement Portfolio Candidates: Starbucks

The king of coffee shops is in great shape, and has been for a few years. The stock is pricey, but might be right if you don't mind paying the premium.

3 Dividend ETFs That Are Right for Retirement

These 3 ETFs offer solid income and capital gains potential. You can't ask for much more.

Benefits Cuts and Higher Taxes for Seniors in Obama Budget

Social security is always a hot topic, and proposals to "save it" are floating around the Capitol. None of the ideas are very good, so beware of the results

The 2013 Retirement Portfolio Candidates: Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines has been one of the most consistently profitable airlines. But does that make it fit for your portfolio's long haul?

How to Better Understand Your Social Security Check

For those of you unsure about how it all works, here's a basic road map showing how Social Security figures out how much (or little) to pay you.

Why Are So Many Seniors Still Working?

More retirees are working as monthly income from investments is getting harder to come by for retirement investors.

The Market Correction Might Be Tardy, But It Won’t Be Absent

The straight-up rally since December has made stocks extremely overvalued. It's time to take profits -- especially if you're a retirement-minded investor.