Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

Best Retirement Investing Strategies

Our financial professionals provide investors who are concerned with their retirement the savviest, most actionable advice to live their best financial life. Whether it’s teaching young investors how to invest in their company’s 401k plan, covering the bond market or ranking Vanguard’s target-date funds, we’ll file it here.

5 Stocks to Start a College Grad’s Retirement

When it comes to retirement, the earlier you start, the better. But even if you don't have much, you can build a modest portfolio starting with these 5 stocks.

One Smashing Success Doesn’t Change the Rules of Retirement

Once in a blue moon, you might actually find that once-in-a-lifetime investment, but the road is littered with nest eggs of people who went all-in on that hope.

Dump Your Losers for a Winning Cause

Gifting losing stock positions in long-held stocks is a great way for retirement investors to clean house for long-term planning -- and help during the holidays

The Case for Muni Bonds: Safety and Yield

Compared to corporate bonds, muni bond defaults are extremely rare, and the payouts are robust. It's tough to beat that combination.

Before You Dive Into High-Yield MLPs and BDCs

Their rich payoffs come with tricky reporting caveats, but if you're informed you can find the rewards are justified. Here are some names to consider.

5 Dividend Stocks Worthy of Your RMD

If you're over the age of 70 1/2 and have an IRA, you have to take a required minimum distribution by year's end. If you don't need it, though, consider reinvesting it in these 5 dividend stocks.

Fix Your Retirement Sooner, Not Later

Data on how many older Americans are on the brink of heading into poverty illustrates the need to make an early start on saving and retirement planning.

3 Dividend Stocks in the ‘Sweet Spot’

Fiscal cliff or not, income-producing stocks will remain key -- and your best bet is to find solid, fairly valued companies that can keep hiking payouts.

5 High-Yield Stocks Paying Retirement Dividends for Decades

Dividend companies that can and will raise dividends through thick and thin for investors are the best kind to own in retirement, and here are 5 to choose from

Equities: Still Your Best Bet for Retirement

Despite the risk, and despite some ominous headlines, investors still believe in the stock market -- and considering it's the best option for retirement, they should.

Spend a Little Turkey Day Time on Year-End Planning

Go ahead and eat, shop and watch some pigskin this long, holiday weekend -- but take a few moments to tie up loose ends in 2012 and plan for 2013.

Some Points to Ponder About 401(k) Plans

We don't save nearly enough, for one. Another: Fees are killers. An outstanding recent article tells investors a lot more things they should know.

Tough Times for Retirement Saving Call for …

... Calm. There are plenty of ways to get through this painful downturn without flipping out. Here are some strategies for coping.

5 ETFs Paying ‘Phat’ Dividends for Retirement

With new rules possibly coming in for the taxation on dividend income, its time for investors to find big yields in safe ETF's.

High-Yield Retirement Funds — With Safety

With yields on government paper getting lower all the time, investors have to work harder for income. These ETFs fit the bill.

A Dividend Growth Strategy for Retirement Income

Dividend stocks are outstanding for retirement planning, but you must have a solid plan and stick with it. Use MCD and PG as examples of such a plan

Retirees Shouldn’t Fear the Storm in Utilities

Sandy has hit Con Ed hard, and 2012 in general hasn't been kind to utilities. But those in panic mode are missing the sector's point in the long term.

The Fiscal Cliff’s Threat to Muni Bonds

Changes to municipal bonds' tax-exempt status may be coming, either in the form of a cap on deductibility or even its elimination. Don't panic, just be aware.

Fidelity Finds Progress in 401(k) Savings

It reports contributions and balances are rising for its accounts, and that Gen Y savers are the best in asset allocation. Still, concerns remain.