Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

Best Retirement Investing Strategies

Our financial professionals provide investors who are concerned with their retirement the savviest, most actionable advice to live their best financial life. Whether it’s teaching young investors how to invest in their company’s 401k plan, covering the bond market or ranking Vanguard’s target-date funds, we’ll file it here.

The Latest Stock Market News and What It Means to You

An important fact-checking task for investors is to stay abreast of new stock market developments or contrary opinions that could affect your portfolio.

How to Ensure Your Stocks Have Low Debt

Inwise use of debt can destroy wealth in a hurry. This isn’t just true for banks and homeowners, but for all publicly traded stocks, too.

Using P/E – How to Screen Stocks for Value

Price-to-earnings ratios get a bad rap on Wall Street because many people apply a one-size-fits-all approach that does more harm than good.

How to Find Stocks With the Best Profit Targets

If you piggyback on the stock advice of Wall Street insiders, you can find out exactly what stocks the best investors like and what profit target they have.

How to Screen for Stocks With Strong Profit Growth

Earnings - the profits that make up the "bottom line" for a stock investment - are crucial to investors because you can't profit unless a company does.

How to Screen for Stocks With Great Sales

Sales revenue is the lifeblood of a publicly traded company. Without growing sales it's impossible to grow the business - meaning your investment is suspect.

How to Screen for the Best Dividend Stocks

How to pick the best dividend stocks involves watching the payout ratio, exploring the yield and making sure the payouts are sustainable over time.

Investing 101 – How Beginners Can Screen for Low-Risk Stocks

Choosing reliable, low-risk stocks is never a sure thing. But here are three simple thresholds a stock should meet for beginner investors to feel safe.

How to Invest – Always Understand Any Company You Buy

Always understand the company before you try to start investing, or it's easy to get in over your head.

5 Flaws of Target-Date Retirement Funds

The popularity of target-date funds inside 401(k) plans is soaring. But these types of retirement funds have major flaws that are being overlooked.

Don’t Let Yourself Retire Broke!

60% of Americans have less than $25,000 put away for retirement. Even at 55, you could retire with six-digit sums socked away by putting your money to work now.

How to Paper Trade Stocks and Learn How to Invest Profitably

Real world experience is the best teacher when it comes to learning how to invest, but you don't have to put your nest egg at risk when paper trading.

Investing 101 — How to Invest in Gold and Silver

You don't need bullion to play with precious metals -- ETFs and miners are among the most popular ways to take the reins of gold and silver.

Investing 101 — How to Choose a Financial Adviser

If someone's in charge of your future, you'd better be comfortable -- do your due diligence and research before handing over the nest egg.

Investing 101 — When to Change a Financial Adviser

Just like breaking up, changing financial advisers can be a difficult decision. But if the gains aren't there -- or even if you're not getting the right attention -- you have a right to bolt.

Investing 101 — Why Expense Ratios Matter in ETFs and Mutual Funds

Some funds make up for high expense ratios through superior performance, but without those results, they're just eating away at your bottom line.

So Much for the “Smart” Money – 84% of Managers Lag the Market

The vast majority of human managers are worse investors than a rock. Research shows actively managed mutual funds consistently underperform.

5 Bulletproof Funds for Your 401(k) or IRA

Investors with their eyes on the long-term finish line would do well to target these low-risk funds for their 401(k) plans or IRA retirement accounts.

The Most Important Investment to Make Now

The most important investment you can make right now is in your own discipline. Success will come if you realize the future is not to be found in today's headlines.