
The Arctic Awaits Energy Investors

Major oil & gas companies are making their moves into the Arctic's vast resources. Energy investors who want in early have a number of potential plays.

Oil Breaks $110 After Saudi Pipeline Breach

Diplomatic tensions further drive crude's market price; a standoff between Iran and Saudi Arabia is causing market volatility and a rise in Brent crude value.

Why Chemical Makers Love Cheap Natural Gas

They can make plastics with it for far less than rivals that use a petroleum base, so they'll have a significant advantage for years to come.

Drill for Upside in the Oil Fund

Think oil prices will move higher or even hold steady into the spring? Consider a moderately bullish options strategy.

U.S. Becomes Net Oil-Product Exporter

Gasoline futures rise on reports of America's newfound status as net exporter; production focus shifts to distillate fuels, with diesel increasingly in demand.

Linn Energy to Buy BP Natural Gas Holdings

Linn Energy LLC is acquiring one of BP's recently auctioned production holdings, and stands to make substantial return from the investment.

Suncor Continues to Profit From the Oil Sands

Suncor's profits from the oil sands keep rising, and they will continue to do so as long as oil prices keep rising in 2012.

5 Reasons You’ll See $5 Gasoline in 2012

Geopolitical unrest across Africa as well as the Mideast leaves pump prices nowhere to go but up.

Differing Put Strategies Hit Live Nation and BP

Live Nation puts are active in the option pits after earnings disappoint, and BP sees put sellers bet on support.

As Oil Prices Rally, Time to Buy Energy?

A host of factors are causing gas prices to skyrocket. Investors may find a silver lining in these two names.

2 Stocks to Watch for the Earnings Junkies

Canadian oil extractor Cenovus and international pharmaceutical company Teva announced positive earnings reports lately. See how they each stack up.

7 Energy Equipment Stocks Getting No Love

With the U.S. trying to cement its role as a major energy player, there are companies that are doing it right and companies not living up to expectations.

5 Reasons We’ll See $4 Gas By Memorial Day

These five key trends -- from global demand to the potential for conflict with Iran -- all signal one thing: Pricier gas is just around the corner.

Is BP Really Back?

The oil giant is certainly profitable, but unresolved Gulf spill liabilities still make BP too risky compared to some of its also-healthy peers.

Energy Expectations for February

The usual spring uptick in demand for gasoline, plus the Iran oil embargo, means the cost of gas will rise. That's good news for refiners.

What a Marathon Pipeline Spin-Off Would Do

Marathon Petroleum’s possible pipeline MLP could give investors a steadier performer.

Oil Riding the Bench During the Market’s Bull Run

Crude oil has been noticeably absent from the recent bullish festivities.

Helix: A Big Play in Oil Safety

As deepwater drilling grows, and along with it stricter regulations regarding spills, so will demand for Helix's safety gear.

7 Fossil Fuel Stocks Stuck In The Mud

Over the past year, these oil, gas and consumable fuels stocks have been putting up terrible returns. Investors should be wary of them for future investments.