
4 Stocks Heating Up in 2011

The stocks on this list are all benefiting from strong global trends, and I expect them to really explode this year.

Coiled Market About to Spring?

S&P 500's chart shows a symmetrical triangle formation, also called a "coil," as it acts like a coiled spring, releasing its energy with a final breakout.

Lorillard, USO Lead Intraday Options Action

Option traders at midday were actively trading large spread positions in Lorillard Inc. (NYSE: LO), and the United States Oil Fund LP (NYSE: USO).

Covered Calls in USO Grab Volatility Premium

High demand for options on the United States Oil Fund (NYSE: USO) has led to high premium. Consider selling covered calls.

Unconventional Ways to Trade the Oil Panic

Call options on the U.S. Oil Fund (NYSE: USO) have paid off handsomely. Here's what to do next.

The REAL Correlation Between Crude Oil Prices and Stocks

The United States Oil Fund (NYSE: USO) and iPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil ETN (NYSE: OIL) are just two ETF funds that don't properly indicate the stock market.

VIX Up, Western Digital Rises, ARMH Down

The market sell off has the CBOE Volatility Index (CBOE: VIX) jumping 10% and put options selling briskly.

Try a USO Call Spread to Profit from Oil Rise

Oil has jumped a third in price and looks to rise higher. Buy a long call option spread on United State Oil (NYSE: USO) with a short sale of a Weekly put.

Economic Recovery Trumps Oil Worries

Positive domestic economic news overpowered growing chaos in Libya.

Fed Pretending Its Oblivious to Global Inflation

While the ECB considers interest rate hikes, the Fed is sticking its head in the sand as a falling U.S. dollar pushes commodity prices up.

Investors’ Answer to High Gasoline Prices

Hedge against the oil crisis and rising prices at the pump with the U.S. Gasoline Fund.

4 Must-Own Global Inflation Buys

While reported U.S. inflation is low, emerging markets are another story. These investments should be big beneficiaries of rising global inflation.

Top 6 Stocks for March

A renewed round of buying should push these top stocks higher in the month of March.

VIX Looks Ready to Run

The CBOE Volatility Index (CBOE: VIX) could rise rapidly as the broad market is vulnerable to oil shocks. The VXX futures could be a trading tool.

Cheapest Stock in the Hottest Emerging Market

The Russian market is leaving the rest of the BRICs in the dust, and Lukoil (OTC: LUKOY) could be investors' best bet for 2011.

5 Short ETFs to Take Advantage of the Next Market Plunge

If rising oil prices stop this bull run in its tracks, these inverse ETFs could be your best chance to make money.

Buy PetroBras Calls, Cracker Barrel Puts

Buy call options on Petroleo Brasileiro (NYSE: PBR) to profit from an oil rally; sell put options on Cracker Barrel Old (NASDAQ: CBRL) as commodity prices rise.

6 Oil Trades to Fuel Your Portfolio

The price of oil is rising due to uncertainty. Trade options on Suncor Energy (NYSE: SU), US Oil Fund (NYSE: USO), Schlumberger (NYSE: SLB) and others.

Sell, Don’t Buy Into the Next Bounce

After two days of heavy selling, bargain hunters may jump to grab quick trades, but should sell into the first bounce since it is almost bound to fail.