
Bear Markets Bring Us Fortunes, and This One’s Almost Over

Our analysis suggests that the number of 10X stock opportunities tends to soar in bear markets. And the current one is nearing its end.

Up 64% This Year, SoFi Stock Is Still the Buy of a Lifetime

SoFi is outperforming in a space with tons of room to grow. And that’s why we think SoFi stock will keep flying higher.

Become a Billionaire by Investing in the Industry With Infinite Potential

Morgan Stanley expects the Space Economy to measure $1.7 trillion in 2040, which means the opportunity in today's space stocks is massive.

The 100% Accurate Bull Market Indicator That Flashed Last Year

We discovered a technical indicator with a 100% track record of calling a market bottom, new bull market, and some big incoming gains.

How AI Went From Joke to Ubiquity in 70 Years

With breakthroughs in machine learning and artificial intelligence, a new era has begun. Data has exploded — and AI stocks will too.

The Fourth Great Divergence: Lock in Your Next Triple-Digit Winner

Across the market, stock prices are falling sharply while revenues are growing. This divergence is your shot at massive gains.

Embrace the Stock Breakout for Colossal Gains in 2023

The prevailing economic conditions will continue to improve as we push deeper into 2023. And that means this stock breakout has legs.

These 3 Sectors Are Ready to Explode Higher

When the market enters a breakout, some stocks rise a lot more and a lot faster than others. Certain sectors hold the best stocks for 2023.

After Tesla’s Impressive Earnings, Is It Time to Buy EV Stocks?

Following Tesla management’s commentary, we expect 2023 to be a banner year for the EV industry. That means it's time to buy EV stocks.

The One and Only Contrarian Bull Thesis You Need to Buy Stocks

All Signs Point to Bullish

We believe that 2023's bullish stock market breakout will last. What gives us confidence there? Well, in short, everything.

The Stock Market Just Triggered a Bullish “Golden Cross” Signal

The market triggered what is known as a “Golden Cross” signal. And every time it has over the past 15 years, stocks proceeded to boom.

The Final Opportunity to Buy Stocks Before a Huge Breakout?

There's a 100% accurate precedent for recent price action, and it signals a massive market surge over the next year. Get ready to buy stocks.

The Indicator That Could Mean Big Gains for Stock Investors

The One Indicator That Proves You Should Buy Stocks Now

The same day the Breakaway Momentum indicator flashed, two others did, too. Current price action shows it's the best time to buy stocks.

How Some Scored Huge Gains in 2022

While most were getting crushed by a brutal bear market, quantitative finance strategies were making their investors a ton of money.

This Stock Market Indicator Shows a Rally Is Around the Corner

A rare stock market indicator is implying dozens of stocks will soar hundreds of percent over the next 12 months alone. 

As Inflation Dies, A New Bull Market Is Emerging

Given the dynamics and price action at play today, it seems a new bull market is coming. We think 2023 will be a record year for the market. 

AI Sucks the Oxygen From the Room. Should You Still Buy SoFi Stock?

Coding, music creation, copywriting, storytelling – there are already a plethora of things you can do with AI. And we just hit fast-forward.