Unleashing Pent-Up Demand Creates a Massive Opportunity


Let’s take a little trip down memory lane…

Image of the American flag on the NYSE on Wall Street

Source: Shutterstock

Close your eyes and take yourself back in time. Imagine walking into your favorite restaurant… and sitting down at any table you choose.

Imagine not wearing a mask or getting your temperature taken before entering the restaurant.

Imagine walking over and saying hello to a neighbor… and even shaking their hand.

Imagine having a nice dinner with no fear of getting yourself or someone else sick.

Then… imagine everything else we used to do before COVID-19 hit.

Just 13 months ago, shutdowns changed our daily lives. So many things we did without a second thought were taken right out from under us in one pull of the rug.

InvestorPlace colleague and friend, Matt McCall, and I believe many of us miss the simple things in life the most. And as simple and even inconsequential as returning to your favorite restaurant might sound, don’t underestimate its significance.

Your meal out is but one drop in an ocean that will flood our economy as things get back to “normal.”

This pent-up energy to see family, travel, go to your favorite restaurant, attend a concert or movie or show, shop for new clothes… or whatever it is you like to do… is going to lead to one of the biggest booms in the history of the U.S. economy.

We are calling this the Great Grand Reopening.

This Great Grand Reopening (or GGR for short) will produce one of the most lucrative investment opportunities you can find for the next one to two years. As people around the world begin to get back to normal lives, it will unleash demand for goods and services, and it will unleash spending that will lead to a boom for the economy and huge profits for stocks – especially those best positioned to capture that pent-up demand.

The potential profits in this Great Grand Reopening are too juicy to ignore, and now is the time to get in position. That’s why Matt and I are hosting our special Road Map to Recovery event this coming Tuesday, April 20, at 7 p.m. ET. (If you haven’t reserved your spot yet, we recommend you do so now.)

Here Comes the Economic Snowball

You don’t need an advanced degree to understand the reasoning behind the GGR. Multiple vaccines have been developed in record time and are proving remarkably effective. More than 35% of the population has received at least one dose of a vaccine, and in the highest risk age group of 65 and older, nearly 80% have received at least one dose.

The biggest concern during the pandemic was not so much the number of people contracting the virus, though that was obviously critical. The primary concern was how many people were affected severely, which would raise the number of deaths and possibly overload the healthcare system.

The situation has improved dramatically. As vaccinations have increased, deaths have decreased.

This means that at some point soon, we will be able to see loved ones we haven’t seen since the end of 2019. From a human standpoint, that is more important than money will ever be. But… let’s think this through from an investing perspective, too.

In normal times, the amount of money we’ll pump into the economy for a family reunion of sorts would hardly be noteworthy. But these last 14 months have been anything but normal, so expect  a huge amount of money to flow into the economy.

You might think there is not enough money to support such spending with businesses closing and jobs lost. But here’s the good news: The money is there for a lot of people.

Look at the amount of money in checking accounts around the country. It just hit an all-time high of $4.8 trillion, which is way above the $2.25 trillion at the end of 2019. In 15 months, the amount of money in checking accounts has more than doubled!

The same is true for both savings accounts and household net worth, with recent spikes to all-time highs.

When the amount of money in savings and checking accounts now combined with new stimulus checks start to hit the economy by way of travel, food, clothes, entertainment, etc., it will have a massive trickle-down effect. That trickle-down effect will fuel of the Great Grand Reopening.

So, here’s the road map: Money on the sidelines moves back into the economy, providing a boost and more jobs. This, in turn, will be good for corporate profits. And at the end of the day, we know that higher corporate profits drive stock prices higher.

Still, we can’t forget that parts of the stock market and the economy will never be the same moving forward. That’s why as things begin to get back to normal, you want a proven road map to help you beat the market no matter what happens next.

Matt and I will explain the opportunity ahead of us and reveal our brand-new investing road map during our Road Map to Recovery event next Tuesday, April 20, at 7 p.m. ET. The last investing road map we created gave our readers the chance to beat the markets by nearly 11X, and we’re fired up about what’s to come.

Make sure to reserve your spot now, we don’t want you to miss out! The reality is the grand reopening is a rare opportunity over the coming 12 to 24 months. It is already starting, so now is the time for investors to make their move.


Louis Navellier

On the date of publication, Louis Navellier did not hold (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. 

Louis Navellier, who has been called “one of the most important money managers of our time,” has broken the silence in this shocking “tell all” video… exposing one of the most shocking events in our country’s history… and the one move every American needs to make today.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/market360/2021/04/unleashing-pent-up-demand-creates-a-massive-opportunity/.

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