
Inflation Also Rises

There are several ways to ensure that your portfolio isn't adversely affected by rising inflation rates. It's important to know the details.

Facebook Whistleblower Reignites FAANG Vulnerability… or Does it?

If regulation hits Silicon Valley, it won't hit all companies equally. The FAANG companies have larger targets on their backs than others.

Why You Shouldn’t Hop on the Tesla Train… and What You Should Do Instead

A big purchase by Hertz was enough to propel TSLA stock past a $1 trillion market cap. Investors should be cautious, though, about buying in.

Travel Is Roaring Back: How Supply-Chain Disruptions Revitalized This COVID-19-Stricken Sector

Airlines have suffered under the reduction in travel from the COVID-19 pandemic. They've benefited, though, from supply chain limitations.

How to Choose Your Risk Level – and Where to Find the Best Profit Opportunities

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking the best days of an exciting investment are behind you, but truly great companies keep growing.

When Facing a Sell-Off, This Is the First Thing You Should Do

Cash is the one and only infallible hedge against loss. It may not be the most exciting asset in the world, but it's one you need to have.

Watch Out for Inflation

An otherwise solid investment strategy can be effectively nullified by inflation, so it's important to have a hedge against that possibility.

How to Get Behind the Economy’s “Velvet Rope”

In 2012, the top 1% wealthiest people had 60% of the wealth, while the bottom 90% had less than 10%, a disparity that has only grown.