
A New Season of Succession Just Debuted… in Real Life

Throughout this made-for-TV drama, Paramount remains wildly undervalued. But does that make it a good buy right now? I’ll answer that question in today’s Smart Money.

Expect More Chaos if the Fed Can’t Fix the Yield Curve

Today, we’ll take a look at why inverted yield curves are “bad,” what caused the spike in the 10-year Treasury yield and what the Fed can do to not only bring the yield down but un-invert the yield curve.

This Widely Unpopular Stock Could Be the Next Trillion-Dollar AI Company

Intel is no longer simply a “chip company.” It has the potential to become the next trillion-dollar AI company. Here’s why…

What Happens to the Market When the Fed Cuts Rates

There’s a famous quote that says, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” This is also true for the stock market, especially when it comes to the market’s response when the Federal Reserve cuts key interest rates.

AI Is Lighting a Fire Under the Company We Should Start Calling “Big Green”

Let’s dive into how IBM is becoming “Big Green.” And we’ll consider whether the company a good “Buy” ahead of its upcoming earnings report…

As GE Completes Its Three-Way Split, This Is the Spinoff to Watch

As GE completes its restructuring, let’s take a look at which one of these “baby GEs” is most worth your attention – and whether it should become a part of your portfolio…

Liberty Energy Is Trading at Bargain Prices – Does That Make It a Buy?

In today’s Smart Money, I’ll give you all the details on this leading energy company, what it’s saying about the oil industry… and if it’s a good addition to your portfolio at current prices.  

March-ing Forward With Another New Year’s Prediction

In today’s Smart Money, let’s take a closer look at how Bristol-Myers is revolutionizing drug discovery in the “Age of AI,” and what it means for the company’s potential.

Don’t Miss This Wealth Window of Opportunity

What if you could earn more than 20% on a single trade in just two days? While that may sound too good to be true, it’s not.

Is the “Granddaddy of Portfolio Hedges” Offering an Opportunity Right Now?

Dismal results from the XAU Index reinforce the idea that gold is a dead-end investment that has no place in the modern world. However, there are some bullish factors currently rallying behind price of gold. So, is the precious metal a good investment right now?

Key Acquisitions and AI Are Turning This Veteran Back Into a Competitor 

Despite facing declining revenue after demand dwindles for its COVID-related treatments, the company remains a confident contender in the race to reshape healthcare. And some of its most recent actions show how Pfizer doing just that.

Nvidia Didn’t Talk About This at GTC 

During Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang’s keynote address at the GTC, he introduced the company’s new AI processor, Blackwell, the “world’s most powerful chip” for AI. I can’t help but wonder… What else Nvidia doing?

Two Different Flavors of Biotech 

Now that the healthcare industry has entered the “Age of AI,” the opportunities to capitalize on it are popping up like weeds in a garden, or perhaps like bacteria in a Petri dish.

Move Over, Musk: How Amazon Made Bezos the Richest Man in the World 

Let’s investigate why Amazon is outperforming Tesla (and making Bezos richer in the process) this year, what it’s focusing on now to further grow its business, and whether it’s still a good "Buy”... 

Is The Biggest Bubble Ever About to Pop?

Think about the housing bubble of 2008, the dot-com bubble of the late ’90s, and even the stock market crash of 1929... When you look at these bubbles, there’s a common trend. Now there’s another bubble about to pop…

EV Stocks Are Dropping Like Flies – This “Bug” Is Still Worth Looking At 

It’s becoming more and more difficult to find quality EV opportunities. Electric vehicles remain an unstoppable trend, however, and continue to provide investment opportunities. That’s why I’m sticking with my top pick in the EV space.

From Zero to Hero: How AI Is Revolutionizing Healthcare

The biotech sector is full of folks in lab coats standing next to a promising drug therapy that will never make it out of clinical trials… or even into clinical trials. Well, AI has now come to turn zeroes into heroes.

AI, Sea Otters, and Renewable Energy – Oh My!

A sea otter consumes about one-quarter its body weight in food every day, just to maintain enough warmth to survive in frigid waters. AI’s appetite for electrical power is almost as prodigious; it devours kilowatts of electricity like an otter feasts on sea urchins and abalone.

Shaking the Rust Off

It’s true… GDP growth in the “Rust Belt” states of the Upper Midwest has been rusting away for decades, relative to overall U.S. GDP. However, a surprising reversal of fortunes may be underway.