Wednesday Apple Rumors: Apple to Request $3B From Samsung

daily apple rumors AAPLHere are your Apple rumors and AAPL news items for today:

Bigger Demand: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) will request damages of $3 billion from Samsung in its patent infringement suit, The Korea Times says. That would be three times the $1.05 billion in damages that the jury recommended that Apple be awarded when it found Samsung guilty of violating a number of Apple’s patents last month. Another hearing in the case is scheduled for September 21. The higher damages demand suggests that Apple intends to press its advantage against Samsung, sources said. If Apple does demand that much money, it will be the largest patent infringement damage award ever requested.

eBook Offer: Apple, Hachette, Harper Collins Holtzbrinck and Simon & Schuster are looking to settle antitrust allegations from European regulators, notes. The European Commission began its investigation last year, citing concerns that Apple’s ebook pricing agreements with publishers had created an anti-competitive cartel. Under the terms of the proposed deal, Apple and the publishers will drop agency contracts for five years and remove the maximum retail and commission pricing from contracts. The Commission has received the proposal and is soliciting industry comments. If industry reaction is acceptable, the proposal may become part of an official agreement.

TV Deal: An executive with Time Warner Cable (NYSE:TWC) says that his company has held discussions with Apple over some sort of television device, The Hollywood Reporter notes. As part of the those discussions, Apple has expressed interest in taking control of the user interface with which Time Warner delivers programming to its subscribers. The executive said that Time Warner might surrender control of the interface in order to expand the user experience. However, he noted that if Time Warner were to do this, it would only do so on an exclusive basis. Apple has reportedly been in talks with a number of media companies and pay-TV providers over the development of a set-top box or possible TV set.

For more about the company, check out our previous Apple Rumors stories.

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