Study: Herbicide Roundup Linked to Cancer, Parkinson’s & More

Roundup, the weedkiller manufactured by Monsanto (NYSE:MON), is being linked to increased health risks. The ingredient — glyphosate — is the most-used herbicide available and is the principle ingredient in Roundup, Reuters reports.

Now a report by two researchers — Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT and Anthony Samsel, formerly of Arthur D. Little, Inc. — have found that glyphosate residue can be found on food that was treated with Roundup. The researchers say the residue — when it combines with other food-borne toxins — can lead to adverse health outcomes such as cancer, infertility and Parkinson’s disease.

“Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body,” the report states.

A spokesman for Monsanto says glyphosate is a proven safe ingredient and is less damaging than other widely used chemicals.

The Environmental Protection Agency is conducting a standard review of glyphosate and expects to make a determination of its safety by 2015.

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