A debate is currently roaring over social media as to what colors a dress is.

“What color is the dress?” has become a common search in the last 24 hours as people argue over the piece of clothing. Images of the dress have spread to Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) and Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) as people debate. The main two camps for the dress are those who see it as white and gold and those who see it as blue and black, reports NJ.com.
The debate has grown to the point that #TheDress is currently trending on Twitter. Here’s what some users have to say about it.
- “People in the future will look back at us and see us fighting over the colour of a dress. Consider that then continue if you will #TheDress”
- “You’re all wrong. It’s clearly PINK. #TheDress”
- “RETWEET if when you looked earlier #TheDress was white and gold, but now it’s black and blue?????”
- “Just learned how to switch from seeing white and gold to black and blue! #crazy #mindblown #mindfuck #thedress”
- “Wouldn’t it be awesome if black and blue bruises looked white and gold #thedress #clumsy”
For me, the dress looks light blue and gold when looking at the image shared on social media. However, when looking at the official image posted on the retailer Roman Original’s website, I see the dress as blue and black. The URL for the website even contains the words “Royal Blue”.
It’s possible that people are seeing different colors due to the lighting in the image. However, it could also have to do with how a viewer’s photoreceptors handle colors. The age of the viewer could also contribute to seeing different colors of the dress, reports NJ.com.
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