Facebook News: India Puts FB Free Basics Internet Service on Hold


Facebook’s (FB) Free Basics has been put on hold in India by telecom regulators.

facebook-news-free-basics-fbThe reason that regulators are putting Facbook’s Free Basics on hold is because they want to look more closely over the deal, which offers certain services to people for free via wireless providers. However, there is speculation that it has to do with net neutrality, reports BBC News.

Facebook is looking to combat claims that the service doesn’t provide net neutrality by allowing more groups to join, but it also warns that it can’t act as a way to provide the entire internet for free. The social media company said its still going to work to bring the service to India, BBC News notes.

Facebook is looking at several other ways to provide its Free Basics internet, which was previously called Internet.org, to people. This includes satellites and drones and planes.

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2015/12/facebook-news-free-basics-fb/.

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