3 Mutual Funds Vanguard Wants to Keep Secret

While index funds—and many other famous “conservative” Vanguard funds continue to stumble in the current bear market, Vanguard’s “Secret 3” are perfectly positioned to rocket ahead!

Let’s start with Secret Fund #3…

Secret Fund #3—The Best “Safe Haven” for 2007!

This fund is my #1 “safe haven” pick because it uses a hefty slug of bonds to keep volatility down, protect you in bear markets, and yes, avoid losing you money. In fact, this fund has had just one down year in the last 10, and that loss, -6.9% in 2002, was a much better performance than the S&P 500’s -22.1% haircut.

The fund keeps 30%-40% of its assets in high-quality corporate and government bonds at all times. But don’t overlook the stock-picking excellence in this fund, either. This fund’s stock selection has been so good that the fund beat the S&P 500, returning 15.0% overall with 30% less risk than the 500 Index fund.

Less risk. Better returns. That’s the theme song for my newsletter, The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors. Try it risk-free.

Secret Fund #2—for High Growth Now!

You might suppose that a fund that promises high returns must have to take very high risk.

You’d be right… but there is a surprising exception to this rule. Health care stocks have proven to be an excellent prescription in uncertain markets.

This makes perfect sense if you think about it: You don’t stop taking your pills if the economy is in a slump… any more than you see your doctor more during a boom!

Of course the baby boom is behind all this. From being just 5% of the population 10 years ago, fifty-plusers will soon be 20% of the population.

And prescription drug use QUADRUPLES once you are over 50. Ouch! Indeed, 82% of boomers fear illness more than they fear financial uncertainty.

The most seasoned veteran health care stock picker in the land, Ed Owens, is running Vanguard’s Health Care Fund. Owens knows that risks and rewards vary hugely among drug, hospital, biotech, diagnostic and other health care companies, and he chooses very carefully. Consider: Over the last 10 years, his return is 16.4% a year—an unrivaled record that trounces the 9.7% return of the S&P Health Sector Index.

One catch: Vanguard Health Care closed its doors to new investors on March 23, 2005. But there’s a back door into MANY closed Vanguard funds, including this one. My subscribers know all about it.

And there’s a stellar spin-off fund that I’m urging my subscribers to invest in right now. <a
href=”/order/?pc=8KH231″target=”_blank”>So try The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors risk-free.

And the #1 fund Vanguard doesn’t want you to know about is my best pick for retirement.

Secret Fund #1—the Best Fund for Retirement

If you could buy just one Vanguard fund—or indeed, one fund in any family— get this one.

One of the best managers in the field runs this fund with extraordinary discipline, logic and accountability. Which pretty much guarantees you two things:  One is a good night’s sleep. The second reason is an annual return of 17.1% over the last three years. (It was up 19.1% in 2006!)

This manager could be Warren Buffett’s long-lost brother. Like Buffett, he doesn’t just “pick” stocks; he collects and owns companies.  He collects companies you can understand: boring food companies, dull utilities, stodgy energy companies and unglamorous retailers.  All with high current cash flow. That you can buy and hold for a long time. That are unaffected by business fads. All bought for pennies on the dollar, and all making huge profits.

Like a great athlete, he makes his results look effortless, graceful and deceptively easy. He knows, in Jack Bogle’s words, “the majesty of simplicity.” Which may account for his ability to rise above market turmoil and deliver such stunning results, so consistently.

As you can tell, I admire this manager hugely. I’ve studied him all through the 1990s, and he never strayed from very clear principles. Others derided him when technology took off in 1998 and 1999—just as they denounced Warren Buffett. But today (like Buffett) he has been totally vindicated.

I put a great deal of my own money… my family’s money… and the money of my wealthiest clients into this manager’s fund.  Get the names of all three of these secret funds Free in my new report. The Action plan of Vanguard Investors, with your RISK-FREE trial subscription to my service<a
href=”/order/?pc=8KH231″target=”_blank”> The Independent Advisor for Vanguard Investor.

Independent Guidance

Vanguard won’t tell you about their turkeys or guide you to their star performers. But I have no ties to Vanguard. I’m independent.

And I’ll tell you now: Several of Vanguard’s biggest, most popular funds are among the most vulnerable you can own now. Many other big, popular Vanguard funds are solid as rocks, and growing fast!

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2007/10/3_mutual_funds_vanguard_wants_to_keep_secret/.

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