When it comes to dividend investing, many investors tend to be either yield chasers or pure dividend growth investors. The real world, however, is not black and white. As a result, a more nuanced strategy where at least some minimum yield is requested before one buys a stock that regularly raises distributions should deliver solid income over the long term.
I follow a similar strategy in my income portfolio. I purchase stocks with rising distributions that can afford to pay the dividend, but I also have a minimum yield requirement of 2.5%. I tend to be skeptical about stocks that have high current yields unless my individual company analysis proves otherwise. My analysis of the two income plays listed below has identified them as companies with sound business models. The recent downturn in the stock market has made the following dividend growth stocks with high yields attractive at the moment:
Philip Morris International (NYSE:PM), through its subsidiaries, engages in the manufacture and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products in markets outside of the United States. The company generates most of its revenues from outside the U.S., where the legislation is not as draconian. The company will be able to increase earnings by generating cost efficiencies in its cost reduction programs, acquiring companies internationally as well as innovating in growing markets to position itself favorably. Last but not least, tapping into the growth of emerging markets such as China and India, where it has a low presence, could provide another opportunity for future growth.
The company has raised distributions in every year since the spinoff from Altria Group (NYSE:MO) in 2008. Phillip Morris International will be able to keep increasing dividends at the high-single-digit percentage points in the foreseeable future, while yielding 3.7% today. (analysis)
Kinder Morgan, Inc. (NYSE:KMI) owns and operates energy infrastructure in the United States and Canada. Kinder Morgan owns the general partner and limited partner units in Kinder Morgan Partners (NYSE:KMP). KMI also owns 20 percent of and operates Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, which serves the high-demand Chicago market.
Another valuable asset behind KMI is the Incentive distribution rights behind the general partner, which entitles it to 50% of the distributions above certain thresholds. This is why any growth in KMP distributions would really accelerate growth in KMI dividends. KMI is set up as a corporation, which is why investors should receive a form 1099-DIV at the end of the year and have their dividends taxed at no more than 15%. The company likely will raise distributions at the low double digits for a few years, and it currently yields 4.6%. (analysis)
Owning these two high-income dividend growth stocks makes sense for investors looking for high yield and a rising income stream. However, investors should always understand the risks behind each investment they purchase and try to spread it by obtaining allocation to different sectors in their diversified dividend portfolios.
Full Disclosure: Long PM, MO, KMI
For more information, visit DividendGrowthInvestor.com.