Friday Apple Rumors: Apple Could Launch TV Device Soon

daily apple rumors AAPLHere are your Apple rumors and AAPL news items for today:

Coming Soon: The launch of an Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) television device may be “imminent,” PC Magazine notes. James Kisner, an analyst at Jefferies, says that sources at a U.S. cable TV service provider have told him that the company is calculating how much broadband data traffic would be generated by a new Apple device. Reports of an Apple-branded TV surged over the summer, but faltered as reports emerged that the company might be planning a new type of set-top box to stream media content. Additional reports that negotiations between Apple and various subscription TV and media content providers had bogged down also dampened speculation. But Kisner says that a new set-top device from Apple could cause broadband usage to spike. Other analysts expressed skepticism over the report, noting that cable providers often test various scenarios on their networks, and that any new Apple set-top box was likely far from launch.

Rising Numbers: Sources in Apple’s supply chain say that the company has sold more iPhones and iPads than expected, AppleInsider noted. Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) analyst Katy Hubert said that Asian component makers had told her that orders for iPads and iPhones for the December quarter and next year were above anticipated levels. Hubert expects Apple to top sales forecasts of 46 million iPhones and 23 million iPads during the current quarter. She indicated that manufacturing problems with the iPhone 5’s in-cell touchscreens have largely been resolved and that supply shortages won’t impact sales going forward as yield rates have now reached between 70% and 80%. Additionally, Hubert predicts strong iPhone 5 and iPad Mini sales in China.

More Maps: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) is completing work on its new maps app for iOS, the Wall Street Journal notes. The new app will feature voice guided turn-by-turn navigation. Apple dumped Google Maps from the back-end of iOS earlier this year, apparently because Google would not implement the feature — a major selling point for Android-based smartphones — in iOS. However, Apple’s in-house developed maps app proved a major disappointment to users, prompting an apology from CEO Tim Cook. While Google’s new maps app may be almost finished, it still must be submitted to Apple for approval. Google executives have previously express skepticism that Apple will let the Google app appear on iOS. Google isn’t alone in bringing a maps app to iOS. Earlier this week, struggling Finnish cell phone maker Nokia (NYSE:NOK) said it would launch its own iOS maps app.

For more about the company, check out our previous Apple Rumors stories.

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