The Five Best Christmas Gifts for Teachers


What have been some of your best Christmas gifts for teachers?

Christmas Gifts for Teachers

With Christmas Eve only three weeks away, it’s time to start thinking about what we want to get for those we love, laugh with and admire. Whether it be that strict P.E. teacher that added structure to your life or that kooky art professor that helped you loosen up, it’s good to thank those who inspire us.

We have compiled the five best gifts for teachers as Christmas and Santa Claus’ reindeer approach us. The gift ideas have been taken from Alpha Mom, SheKnows and Parenting.

Also, check out the best Christmas gifts for Dad in 2014.

Christmas Gifts for Teachers: Stationary

Christmas Gifts for Teachers

Teachers love having all sorts of stationary, according to a third grade teacher from Georgia.

From Post It notes to classroom supplies, educators can’t get enough stationary to organize their ideas and liven up the classroom.

Get a gift that counts and go buy some stationary this year.

Christmas Gifts for Teachers: Movie Gift Card

Christmas Gifts for Teachers
Source: ©

Everyone loves a great movie.

Get your teacher a gift card to watch the movie of their choice at a local cinema this year. Alpha Mom suggests you attach the gift card to some microwave popcorn or some candy if you’re feeling generous.

Remember, karma is good.

Christmas Gifts for Teachers: Personalized Notepad

Christmas gifts for teachers

You know that teacher who constantly tells your parents how well you’re doing?

Return the favor this year with a personalized notepad. If there’s anything human beings love it’s flattery as it suggests we have a unique trait that others appreciate.

A personalized notepad is the perfect way to show your teacher what she truly means to you.

Christmas Gifts for Teachers: Salon Gift Card

Christmas Gifts for Teachers

There’s nothing wrong with getting pampered.

You can make a real difference in helping someone feel loved this year by giving them a gift card to a salon or a spa.

Who doesn’t love taking care of themselves over the holidays?

Christmas Gifts for Teachers: Eco-Friendly Gift

Christmas gifts for teachers

If your teacher has a passion for nature, get them an eco-friendly gift this year.

The Silly Pearl is offering tomato seedlings that come with a tag that reads, “Thank You for helping me Grow!” Check them out here.

Happy holidays!

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