Here are your Apple Rumors for today:
Accessory: Apple (AAPL) is now selling third-party accessories for the Apple Watch in its Stores, reports MacRmors. The first third-party Watch accessory that the company is selling is ElevationLab’s NightStand. This accessory is a $30 charging dock for the smartwatch that will also work with the upcoming Nightstand Mode that will be included in watchOS2. The NightStand comes in four different colors with each one matching a color of the Watch’s Sport bands.
Camera: Speculation concerning the camera in the iPhone 6s is heating up, 9to5Mac notes. While Apple hasn’t actually said what the camera in the iPhone 6s will be capable of, this hasn’t stopped people from making guesses. One train of thought claims that the iPhone 6s will come equipped with a 2-megapixel FaceTime camera and a 13-megapixel rear camera. The reason behind this thought process is that the tech company typically doesn’t offer cameras stronger than its rivals, but has a focus on better colors and speed with its various sensors.
Display: A display and logic board that are claimed to belong to an iPhone 6s have been booted up, reports AppleInsider. The iPhone 6s and display were booted up with the help of parts from an iPhone 6. The hybrid device was able to make it to a gear icon, but never went any further. The video of the device booting up also includes a look inside the smartphone. Some of the parts that are in the device do appear to be from the iPhone 6s, but this can’t be confirmed. It’s also hard to tell the difference due to the similarities between the iPhone 6 and 6s in terms of design.