Apple Fixes Error 53 Caused by Third Party Repairs


Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) has fixed a bug — called “Error 53” — that caused some smartphones to brick.

Source: Apple, Samsung

The tech giant apologized and offered an update that fixes Error 53, causing some iPhones to stop working following repairs done by technicians outside an Apple Store or Apple-authorized repair center.

The following message showed up to those who faced the bgx: “The iPhone ‘[device name]’ could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (53).”

Owners of Apple devices were justifiably upset by the mistake, as they wondered if Error 53 was an intentional move by the company to ensure users don’t use third-party sources to repair their iPhones.

However, the company claims that Error 53 was a security measure to ensure fraudulent transactions did not occur. Apple faced a lawsuit by a law firm filed last week over the controversy.

The company has fixed Error 53 by offering an updated version of iOS 9.2.1 for iTunes that reverses phones from being bricked. All you have to do is plug your device into iTunes and run the latest update to get its functionality back.

AAPL stock is down 0.23% Friday.

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