Force Friday II is happening this Friday, Sept. 1 in honor of Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
The upcoming film will be Episode VIII in the series and it is slated for a Dec. 15 release. In anticipation of the movie’s release, there will be Star Wars promotions at Wal-Mart Stores Inc (NYSE:WMT), Target Corporation (NYSE:TGT) and Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) stores.
Force Friday II will be marked by a weekend of #BeJediReady events, which include new Star Wars toys and merchandise, starting Sept. 1 at 12:01 a.m. and running through Sunday, Sept. 3. The promotion will be available in select cities.
The Walmart stores that will offer the events include Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Northwest Arkansas, Orlando, San Antonio, San Jose, and Seattle, hosting #BeJediReady events in its stores and in their parking lots.
The store’s activities include Jedi training games with lightsabers, opportunities to have your photo taken with Star Wars character, toy demos, video game posters and more.
Apple is also hosting Jedi activity as its stores will offer free Star Wars-themed events from Sept. 1 through Sept. 9. “Explore how to create a Star Wars trailer with authentic footage from the films,” the company writes.
Children can also learn simple coding and programming related to Star Wars at Apple stores.
It was also unveiled that a new character from the upcoming film will be revealed at these events.
WMT stock fell 0.8%, TGT shares fell 1% and AAPL stock surged 1%.