Smart investors always opt for a plan that is likely to yield high returns irrespective of market conditions. Efficiency level, which measures a company’s capability to transform available input into output, is often considered an important parameter used to gauge a company’s potential to rake in handsome returns.
A company with a favorable efficiency level is expected to provide stellar returns as it is believed to be positively correlated with price performance.
Key Ratios to Identify Efficiency
Sometimes it becomes difficult to measure the efficiency level of a company. This is the reason why one must consider popular efficiency ratios while selecting stocks. These efficiency ratios are:
Inventory Turnover: The ratio of 12-month cost of goods sold (COGS) to a four-quarter average inventory is considered one of the most popular efficiency ratios. It indicates a company’s ability to maintain a suitable inventory position. While a high value indicates that the company has a relatively low level of inventory compared to COGS, a low value shows that the company is facing declining sales, which resulted in excess inventory.
Receivables Turnover: This is the ratio of 12-month sales to four-quarter average receivables. It shows a company’s potential to extend its credit and collect debt in terms of that credit. A high receivables turnover ratio or the “accounts receivable turnover ratio” or “debtor’s turnover ratio” is desirable as it shows that the company is capable of collecting its accounts receivables or that it has quality customers.
Asset Utilization: This ratio indicates a company’s capability to convert assets into output and is thus a widely known measure of efficiency level. It is calculated by dividing total sales over the past 12 months by the last four-quarter average of total assets. Like the above ratios, high asset utilization may indicate that a company is efficient.
Operating Margin: This efficiency measure is the ratio of operating income over the past 12 months to sales over the same period. It measures a company’s ability to control operating expenses. Hence, a high value of the ratio may indicate that the company manages its operating expenses more efficiently than its peers.
Screening Parameters
In addition to the above-mentioned ratios, we have added a favorable Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) or 2 (Buy) to the screen with an objective to make this strategy more profitable.
Inventory Turnover, Receivables Turnover, Asset Utilization and Operating Margin greater than industry average
(Values of these ratios higher than industry averages may indicate that the efficiency level of the company is higher than its peers.)
The use of these few criteria has narrowed down the universe of over 7,906 stocks to only 18.
Here are four stocks from the 18 that made it through the screen:
Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ:ILMN) provides sequencing and array-based solutions for genetic analysis. The company has an average four-quarter positive earnings surprise of 23.2%.The stock has a Zacks Rank #2.
AlarmCom Hldg Inc (NASDAQ:ALRM) provides cloud-based software platform solutions for smart residential and commercial properties in the United States and internationally. The company has an average four-quarter positive earnings surprise of 55.9%.The stock sports a Zacks Rank #1.
Copart, Inc. (NASDAQ:CPRT) provides online auctions and vehicle remarketing services. The company has an average four-quarter positive earnings surprise of 16.6%.The stock sports a Zacks Rank #1.
Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:VNDA) focuses on the development and commercialization of products for the treatment of central nervous system disorders. The company has an average four-quarter positive earnings surprise of 30.4%.The stock carries a Zacks Rank #2.
You can get the rest of the stocks on this list by signing up now for your 2-week free trial to the Research Wizard and start using this screen in your own trading. Further, you can also create your own strategies and test them first before taking the investment plunge.
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