Chinese Biotech Stocks: A Simple Case for Massive Returns

Maybe I made a mistake, I thought.

Chinese biotech stocks

Source: Shutterstock

I’m used to some pretty big profit numbers, but these stopped me in my tracks.

I wasn’t even sure I was looking at them correctly.

So I double checked.

And triple checked.

They were still right.

It’s time you know about these numbers — and the incredible opportunity they represent.

Regular MoneyWire readers have heard about “10X” markets from me.

In my Early Stage Investor service, our early stage, “venture capital” style investments are only in industries with the real potential to grow 10-fold (or 10X) in size.

Investing in industries with huge growth potential and gale-force tailwinds at their backs is how you set yourself up to make giant returns. Think of the internet in the 1990s … personal computers in the 1980s … and smartphones over the past decade.

However, in a research report I recently sent to readers, I detailed an industry set for not just 10X growth … not 20X growth … and not even 50X growth … but at least 100X growth. This is undoubtedly one of the best early stage investment opportunities you’ll ever see in your life.

A Simple Case for Massive Returns

Sometimes, investing is complicated.

Wall Street hedge funds and banks can create all kinds of complex investments and strategies that only a math genius can make sense of.

However, sometimes making great investments is laughably simple. That’s the situation with the industry I’ll share with you today.

The seeds for this rare opportunity were planted in 2017 when the Chinese government announced that it intended to make its domestic biotechnology sector constitute 4% of the country’s economy — or Gross Domestic Product (GDP) — by 2020.

Let’s do the math. The Chinese economy is projected to be worth roughly $15.7 trillion by 2020. And right now, the revenue generated by China’s domestic biotech industry is a tiny $5.4 billion, according to Goldman Sachs.

So here’s the inescapable conclusion …

In order for China’s biotech industry to constitute 4% of the economy (which would be $627 billion) by 2020, the industry must increase its sales by 116-fold.

China GDP

Now you can see why I stopped in my tracks — and triple-verified my numbers — when I saw how strongly the government is pushing China’s biotech industry. It is determined to put the industry on the same level with U.S. biotech … and quickly.

China wants to compete on the highest levels in — and even dominate — all the critical industries of the future. This includes having a huge domestic biotechnology industry that develops and sells the medical treatments and therapies of the future.

It makes sense. Medicine and healthcare are trillion dollar-plus global industries. Plus, every government wants its population to be as healthy and strong as possible (more taxpayers). The best, most affordable medicines help make that happen.

Whether you agree with the Chinese government or not, it likes to create “national champions” — huge companies that have the implicit backing of the government. It will move mountains in pursuit of its goals.

History shows that when the Chinese government wants to create a big industry in a short time, investors should take notice. It has a stunning track record. In fact, I will show you in the next MoneyWire how China has created trillions of dollars in wealth many times over in the last 30 years.

In the meantime, keep that “116-fold growth” in the back of your mind. It’s really all that matters here when it comes to making hundreds — even thousands — of percent returns thanks to this unique situation.

Matthew McCall left Wall Street to actually help investors — by getting them into the world’s biggest, most revolutionary trends BEFORE anyone else. The power of being “first” gave Matt’s readers the chance to bank +2,438% in (STMP), +1,523% in Ulta Beauty (ULTA) and +1,044% in Tesla (TSLA), just to name a few. Click here to see what Matt has up his sleeve now. Matt does not directly own the aforementioned securities.

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