For Long-Term Investors, Alphabet Stock Looks Tasty at $1,000

Shares of global technology giant Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG, NASDAQ:GOOGL) have come crashing down over the past six weeks as the coronavirus pandemic has swept across the globe and effectively shut down the economy. From its mid-February highs, GOOG stock is down about 27%.

goog stock

Source: rvlsoft /

This sell-off makes complete sense. So long as the pandemic keeps spreading, the global economy will remain shut down. So long as the global economy is shut down, enterprises will cut back on ad spending and IT investments, meaning Alphabet’s core digital ad and cloud businesses could get whacked over the next few months.

That’s just over the next few months.

Zooming out, Alphabet is a long-term winner with tons of long-term growth drivers and huge potential upside in a multi-year window. For long-term investors, buying the dip in GOOG stock around $1,000 makes a ton of sense for five big reasons.

  1. The coronavirus pandemic is temporary. Current modeling projects the virus will peak in mid-April, and dramatically slow thereafter.
  2. Alphabet’s digital ad business has favorable long-term growth prospects. As the backbone of the internet, Google will continue to win the lion’s share of digital ad dollars over the next few years (and that industry is steadily growing).
  3. Google Cloud similarly has favorable long-term growth prospects. Enterprise cloud spending will remain robust for several years, and Google Cloud is one of the three big infrastructure cloud players.
  4. Alphabet stock is attractively undervalued. A 21-times forward earnings multiple for a company that’s growing as quickly as Alphabet is attractive.
  5. Shares have big upside potential if they fall towards $1,000. My modeling suggests GOOG stock could close the year at $1,300, implying 30% upside from $1,000.

Coronavirus Headwinds are Temporary for GOOG Stock

It has become increasingly clear that social distancing works to thwart the spread of the coronavirus and bring local transmission close to near-zero. See China and South Korea.

Many European countries, such as Italy and Germany, are following a similar trajectory as China and South Korea. So is the U.S. Assuming these trajectories persist, then the coronavirus pandemic should peak in the U.S. by mid-April, before largely fading by May or June.

When those headwinds do fade, the economy should rebound. Things won’t get back to normal right away. But, there’s enough fiscal and monetary stimulus in the pipeline to energize a gradual economic recovery in the second-half of 2020.

Digital Ad Tailwinds Will Remain Robust

As the economy gradually recovers in the second-half of 2020, Alphabet’s digital ad business should bounce back, too.

That’s because Google Search is the backbone of the internet, YouTube is the world’s largest online video platform, and the whole Alphabet advertising ecosystem controls about 40% of the global digital ad market. In other words, Alphabet is an irreplaceable and gigantic part of the digital ad ecosystem.

Consequently, once marketers re-up their ad budgets in the back-half of 2020, Alphabet’s digital ad growth trends will improve. This dynamic (increased digital ad spending powering healthy growth across Alphabet’s advertising properties) will persist for the next few years, and overall lead to steady 10% growth in Alphabet’s digital ad business.

Cloud Tailwinds Remain Strong for GOOG Stock

Enterprises are still in their relative infancy when it comes to cloud migration, with only 20% of enterprise workloads having fully migrated to the cloud.

Over the next several years, companies will increasingly pivot their workloads, processes, and data into the cloud. The coronavirus pandemic may only accelerate this trend, since it will emphasize the need for virtualized processes. Consequently, enterprise demand for cloud infrastructure will remain strong for the next several years.

There are three major players in the cloud infrastructure market. Google Cloud is one of them. That’s why I see Alphabet’s cloud business growing at a steady 20% clip over the next several years.

Alphabet Stock Is Cheap

At present, Alphabet stock trades at just 21-times forward earnings.

For this type of stock, that’s a very low multiple. Alphabet is a steady, 20%-plus revenue grower, with a huge moat, a dominating presence in multiple secular growth industries, a very strong balance sheet, big profit margins and cash flows, and a ton of speculative long-term growth potential in verticals like self-driving.

In other words, Alphabet is about as high-quality of a company as you’re going to find. And the stock is trading at just 21-times forward earnings.

Big Upside From $1,000 Entry Point

I’ve reconfigured my long-term model on Alphabet in light of the coronavirus pandemic. In the big picture, I believe that all the pandemic will do is push things out a year.

That is, fiscal 2020 will be a year of limited growth. Thereafter, normal growth trends will resume. But, they will be growing from a depressed 2020 base. The math checks out so that, in essence, my old 2024 estimates are now my new 2025 estimates.

As such, I see Alphabet pushing towards $95 in earnings per share by 2025. Based on a 20-times exit multiple and a 10% annual discount rate, that equates to a 2020 price target for GOOG stock of $1,000.

Bottom Line on GOOG Stock

Alphabet stock is a long-term winner. It’s being knocked down right now on near-term headwinds. These headwinds will pass. When they do, the company’s favorable long-term growth tailwinds will kick back up. Alphabet’s growth trends will meaningfully recover. So will Alphabet stock.

For long-term investors, consider buying the dip in GOOG stock around $1,000.

Luke Lango is a Markets Analyst for InvestorPlace. He has been professionally analyzing stocks for several years, previously working at various hedge funds and currently running his own investment fund in San Diego. A Caltech graduate, Luke has consistently been rated one of the world’s top stock pickers by various other analysts and platforms, and has developed a reputation for leveraging his technology background to identify growth stocks that deliver outstanding returns. Luke is also the founder of Fantastic, a social discovery company backed by an LA-based internet venture firm. As of this writing, he did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities.

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