Only A Short Time Left…


The countdown for the Power Portfolio 2021: Reloaded … why Louis and Matt are so bullish on today’s market environment … an unheard-of performance assurance

In a few days, the Power Portfolio 2021: Reloaded will shut its doors for the rest of the year. So, any fence-sitters who have been considering joining have a limited time left to take part.

Being candid, why would anyone want to join?

It reduces to one thing…

Bigger investment returns for your portfolio.

The Power Portfolio 2021: Reloaded, from investment experts Louis Navellier and Matt McCall, is the third generation of this service. The first two Power Portfolios crushed the market many times over, as we’ll detail momentarily. And if Louis and Matt are right, this third swing at bat is likely to produce the biggest returns yet.

So, today, in light of the official upcoming door-closing, let’s revisit the Power Portfolio, why Louis and Matt are so excited about it, and most importantly, what’s in it for you.

***Why today’s market conditions could produce the biggest returns yet for the Power Portfolio franchise

In many ways, the stars are aligning for the Power Portfolio 2021: Reloaded.

For one reason, today’s investment climate reminds our technology expert, Matt McCall, of the early 1990s – a period of extraordinary wealth creation.

Here’s Matt, making the parallel:

(The 90s) was a time of low inflation and incredible innovation. The rollouts of cellular phone networks and powerful personal computers along with the advent of software and the internet converged to unleash a tsunami of productivity.

This resulted in higher profit margins for virtually every business across America.

In a relatively short timeframe, our ability to communicate, transact, process data, analyze data and manage supply chains was revolutionized.

The massive productivity increases from the new technologies of the 1990s were like a huge shot of adrenaline to the economy.

They also paved the way for truly innovative companies harnessing these new technologies to hand their shareholders incredible returns. Companies like Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO) went up 113,000%.

The exact same type of story is unfolding now…

We’re about to see several once-in-a-generation technologies come together at the same time and totally reshape every aspect of our lives.

Last week, Matt sat down with investment legend, Louis Navellier, to discuss the best way to profit from this opportunity.

At their Road Map to Recoveryevent, these two experts dove into many topics – the convergence of cutting-edge technologies, the amount of investible wealth that’s sitting on the sidelines, yet also, potential dangers to the stock market, as well as certain sectors investors should avoid.

Considering all of these influences together, Matt and Louis created a portfolio – a road map, so to speak – that’s engineered to navigate this complexity.

Here’s Louis:

The bottom line is that I believe in running the numbers – and in being guided by them. That’s key to your long-term success, as it removes your personal biases from the equation.

Combining my quantitative approach, and Matt’s “big trend” approach, we developed a unique portfolio just for 2021.

It’s designed to make the most of the trends that will have the largest and most immediate impact on the coming year.

Louis and Matt call this the Power Portfolio 2021: Reloaded. It’s a collection of hand-selected stocks that have passed both Louis’ and Matt’s strict investment criteria, presented as a batch (rather than dripped out “one per month”).

It’s a set-it-and-forget-it portfolio, engineered for one reason – to crush the market once it officially launches.

***The performance results of the first two Power Portfolios

As mentioned earlier, this is the third generation of the Power Portfolio.

The first joint-portfolio from these experts, the Power Portfolio 2020, played out over nearly all of 2020. It made investors a 35% return – that was 6X the Dow’s performance over the same period.

The Power Portfolio 2021 was live from this past December through mid-February. This time, the portfolio hit a 38.5% return…in less than eight weeks. That was 11X the Dow’s return over the same period.

Given the size and speed of this performance, Louis and Matt decided to close down the portfolio. But closing the Power Portfolio 2021 didn’t mean an end to the investment opportunities Louis and Matt saw for 2021.

On this note, here’s Matt:

We still have three quarters of the year left, and since Louis and I are both extremely bullish, we were not about to miss out on what’s to come. We are in complete agreement that 2021 has all the makings of a big year in the market … and an even bigger year in the stocks we’ve picked together.

That’s why we sat down together last night in our special Road Map to Recovery event.

At their event, Matt and Louis explained why they believe we’re about to witness one of the biggest stock booms in U.S. history … and why carefully selected, high-quality stocks have the potential to go up 300%, 500% and even 1,000% over the next few years.

***But what if Matt and Louis are completely wrong?

There’s one final element of the Power Portfolio that makes it like nothing I’ve ever seen come out of the newsletter industry…

It comes with a performance assurance.

Louis and Matt are so confident in their creation that if by the end of the investment period, the Power Portfolio hasn’t shown at least triple the returns of the Dow Industrials, subscribers get another year of the research service, free of charge.

As noted earlier, the Power Portfolio 2020 made good on this assurance by beating the Dow 6-to-1. The Power Portfolio 2021 accomplished this by a margin of 11-to-1. Louis and Matt believe the returns of the Power Portfolio 2021: Reloaded could top them all.

Here’s Louis on why:

Our research and analysis all points to a major economic boom, a major stock market boom… and one of the most lucrative investment opportunities you can find for the next one to two years…

We see a lot of great opportunities lining up as the world starts to get back to normal. But you need to be very selective with your money given everything that’s happened since COVID-19 hit.

As things begin to get back to normal, you need to have a proven road map to help you navigate the market. A road map that could help you destroy the market no matter what happens next.

At Louis’ and Matt’s Road Map to Recovery event last week, they dove into far more detail about today’s market conditions and the portfolio itself. To watch a replay of the evening, click here.

And remember, the portfolio is nearing its official close-date, after which it will be locked-and-loaded, gunning against the Dow as part of its performance assurance. So, if you’re interested, don’t wait too long to join.

We’ll give the final word today to Matt:

Louis and I have analyzed more than 5,000 stocks and uncovered the investing themes with the most immediate upside. And then we combined our two systems to narrow them down to a small portfolio of select stocks we think have big upside potential for the coming year.

We call it our “Power Portfolio 2021: Reloaded.”

I don’t mean to toot my own … but I think we’ve outdone ourselves and again created something truly groundbreaking.

Have a good evening,

Jeff Remsburg

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