Why My “Tsunami Trackers” Are Flashing Red Right Now

Yesterday I mentioned how my eight fundamental factors and my proprietary market-beating formula help me find individual stocks that are poised to soar, typically well before the financial media learns what’s going on.

a digital graph with numbers behind it and a rainbow lighting effect

Source: Shutterstock

I also discussed how my stock trackers are flashing at a level beyond what I’ve seen before.

The exciting part is that what I’ve discovered is one of the hottest moneymaking opportunities I have ever seen in my career.

Interestingly, this isn’t just a specific stock or a type of investment, but a sector. One that’s about to undergo a major technological transformation.

That’s what I want to discuss today.

It’s kind of like how scientists detect a giant tsunami is headed toward the shore.

Scientists lay out a system of buoys way out at sea, hours from the coast. These buoys detect changes in water pressure and seismic activity and then send this data back to the surface.

Back at the lab, the scientists then plug the data into models and are able to accurately predict the height, arrival time, and exact locations where a tsunami will hit, hours before it gets to shore.

My system works much the same way. When my numbers start flashing green across a whole sector, it’s one of the best buy signals on the planet.

It doesn’t happen that often. But when it does, it’s a strong signal there’s a tidal wave of money about to flow into a certain industry.

For example, from the mid-1980s through about September 2003, the price of oil held pretty steady at under $25 per barrel. But then various factors led to a huge global supply/demand imbalance.

The price went from $25 a barrel to $40 a barrel, then $50… and then in 2005 it broke what was then sort of psychological barrier at $60 a barrel. Folks didn’t think the price of oil could go that high, because it never had before. In fact, it kept climbing and eventually topped out at around $145 a barrel in 2008, more than five times from where it started in only five years.

Of course, what happened after that was inevitable. The huge rise in the price of oil sent energy stocks through the roof.

I recommended a group of stocks in the sector, starting in 2002, well before the wave of this massive trend crashed on the shore.

  • Occidental Petroleum for 113% gains…
  • XTO Energy for 287% gains…
  • Sunoco for 97% gains…
  • Tesoro Corp. for 150% gains…
  • Valero Energy for 180% gains…
  • Holly Corp. for a 457% gain.

It goes to show, like buoys that detect tsunamis before they strike land, my system helped me detect this incredible market move well in advance.

It also serves to highlight one of the great principles of wealth building — go big on a massive, inevitable trend in advance and phenomenal wealth is virtually certain.

And it’s why I’m so certain of the rise and revolutionary impact the sector I’ve now identified is going to have on the economy and the entire world. I would go so far as to say that if I had to put every penny of my life savings into one industry, this would be it.

I’ll explain exactly why at my Big Bet Summit. As a reminder, it will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 11, at 4 p.m. ET. Click here now to reserve your spot.

I’ll be back in touch tomorrow to show you how going “all in” on a sector that’s about to explode can be transformational for your portfolio. In the meantime, I encourage you to sign up for the Big Bet Summit today.


Louis Navellier

The Editor hereby discloses that as of the date of this email, the Editor, directly or indirectly, owns the following securities that are the subject of the commentary, analysis, opinions, advice, or recommendations in, or which are otherwise mentioned in, the essay set forth below:

Louis Navellier, who has been called “one of the most important money managers of our time,” has broken the silence in this shocking “tell all” video… exposing one of the most shocking events in our country’s history… and the one move every American needs to make today.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/market360/2022/01/why-my-tsunami-trackers-are-flashing-red-right-now/.

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