Cashing In on Coal Stocks

Spring is here, which means I’m back on my bike… burning rubber on the open road. Speaking of burning things, I want to take a moment to talk to you about one of nature’s most profitable dirty-little secrets: coal.

I’ve shown you how to profit in oil. Then, I led you down the path of profits in what I called “agflation.” Today, I’m going to show you how to make a bundle burning coal.

Coal is the next great commodity. Not solar panels. Not windmills. Not triple-A batteries or algae.

Good old-fashioned coal. The same by-product that we’ve all been digging for and burning for centuries.

It may not be the cleanest form of energy, but with oil spiking at more than $100 a barrel, the world is turning to coal to heat its homes, run its factories and keep its employees on the clock.

Whether you like it or not, coal is King. It always has been. And it always will be.

Burn Baby Burn!

For eco-conscious Americans, we don’t like to talk about coal unless there’s a miner trapped underground somewhere in West Virginia. It’s dirty. It smells. It ruins the environment.

This is all true.

But when you sit back and think about the overwhelming global dependence on coal, and the profits you could be making, the numbers are simply mind-blowing.

See, dirty coal can easily get converted to liquid K-fuel. And in this form, coal from the Rockies can get to electrical plants in say, India, where their inventory has dipped to just seven days.

In fact, India remains entirely dependent on coal (in the form of K-fuel) to meet its rapidly growing demand for electricity. Yet, it has not one single mine.

Here in the U.S., we mine coal in more than 38 states.

As for China…>

The country runs on coal and coal alone. Remember the headlines just two months ago coming out of China? The middle of the country was hit by blizzards that froze trains tracks and sent most of the country into darkness. And why was that? Trains couldn’t deliver the coal the country’s top producers needed to burn to heat the more than a billion Chinese homes.

In fact, my Intelligence Report’s top coal miner has just contracted to build K-fuel conversion plants across China. Nearly 20 plants have already come on line in the last two years, and the pace is quickening as China struggles to keep lights on!

3 Reasons Why Coal Is the New “Black Gold”

Without a doubt, coal is the burning briquette of opportunity for investors in the good ol’ U.S. of A. In fact, I expect to double my own money in this form of black gold in the next six months. If you don’t believe me yet, here are three more reasons you need to add some Kingsford to your portfolio:

1. Oil at $100. At these levels, power stations switch out of oil, out of natural gas and hand out shovels. (I’m actually not joking.) Coal is the cheapest energy on the plant now and, happily, most of it can be found in our own backyard.

2. Coal got green (as “green” as it’s going to get). Coal’s big drawback has always been that it burns dirty. Clean it up, convert in into liquid diesel, and you’ve turned low-grade coal you’d otherwise discard in slag heaps into a $3-a-gallon at the pump high-test.

3. China and India need it big-time. When the lights in China go out, the “Miracle” comes to a spluttering halt real quick. But China ruined its only real resource by strip mining and became dependent on others for coal. “Others”…like us.

Double or Nothin’ with Down and Dirty Coal

Without a doubt, coal is the biggest and brightest energy play we’ve seen in decades.

Not solar power…

Not ethanol…

Not wind or grass clippings…


The coal supply crisis I’ve outlined briefly here has the potential to double your money in 6 months, just as food did for my Intelligence Report subscribers over the past 6 months and oil did this time last year. Stop burning a hole in your portfolio with overpriced oil plays.

Coal is back. And it’s hotter than ever!

Sign up for your risk-free trial subscription to Richard Young’s Intelligence Report and he’ll show you which top coal producers are raking it in for his Intelligence Report subscribers!

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