4 in 1 Physical Precious Metals Basket Launches


A newly launched exchange-traded product called the ETFS Physical Precious Metal Basket Shares (NYSE: GLTR) removes some of the guesswork. GLTR owns physical gold, silver, platinum and palladium in fixed equal weights. Each metal represents a 25% position within the basket.

Because GLTR does not own futures contracts it’s a better reflection of the spot price for the metals basket. It also avoids some of the operational issues associated with futures based ETFs and ETNs such as backwardation and contango.

“GLTR was developed in response to demand from a diverse client base looking for a single ticker solution that provides cost-effective precious metals exposure in a physically-backed fund, said Fred Jheon, Head of Product and Business Development of ETFS Marketing.

The new trust will join the firm’s other physically backed commodities products like silver, gold, platinum and palladium.

Each share of GLTR represents at inception 0.03 ounces of gold, 1.1 ounces of silver 0.004 ounces of platinum, and 0.006 ounces of palladium.

The physical bullion is held in vaults by the custodian, JP Morgan Chase Bank and conforms to the London Bullion Market Association’s (LBMA) along with the London Platinum and Palladium Market Association’s (LPPM) rules for good delivery. The gold and silver allocations are held in London while the platinum and palladium will be held in London or Zurich.

GLTR’s annual expense ratio is 0.60%.

ETF Securities had $2.20 billion in assets at the end of September 2010.

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2010/10/4-in-1-physical-precious-metals-basket-launches/.

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