The “Flash Trend” That Alerted Me to NVIDIA’s Potential… Before Its Big Run


The “Flash Trend” That Alerted Me to NVIDIA’s Potential… Before Its Big Run

Source: Trismegist san /

Ever since NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) broke $1,000 I’ve been telling my readers that it is going to be the first company to achieve a market cap of $5 trillion.

(I also said last August that NVIDIA would be a $1,000 stock in 2024 – and it broke $1,000 less than a year later.)

But it’s not going to do so slowly, by quietly meandering higher over the course of a half-decade or more.

Instead, I think it’s going to so in a series of sharp, fast moves up. And it’s going to reach that $5 trillion mark in just a couple of years.

I call these big, fast moves “Flash Trends.” And NVIDIA seems to be “recovering” – taking a breather – after its latest Flash Trend.

Consider this: Its latest Flash Trend got started after the company announced stunning first-quarter earnings on May 22. The AI chip maker revealed that revenues grew 262% year-over-year to $26 billion, while earnings per share rose 460% year-over-year to $0.61. Both figures beat Wall Street expectations by wide margins.

Shares surged 20% in the wake of the better-than-expected results… and then rallied nearly 50% less than a month later. That’s fast… and big.

Along the way, NVIDIA briefly dethroned Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) to become the world’s most valuable company, with its market cap exceeding $3.3 trillion.

My Accelerated Profits members have benefited hugely from NVIDIA’s Flash Trends over the past year. They’re up more than 150% on the position we established in January of this year.

So today, let’s take a look at what exactly these Flash Trends are… and how you can learn how to identify them early in order to rack up the kinds of profits that can build you a nice nest egg.

From Big and Stable to Bigger and Chaotic

For the past few decades, you could invest in a big, stable company and reliably see it grow 8% to 10% per year. That’s the way investing is supposed to work. But that’s not how it does anymore.

The reality is that over the past few years, our financial system has been distorted, causing our markets to undergo a massive shift. You see, our market isn’t static. It’s always changing and evolving. We’ve entered a whole new era, in which a lot of the gains in the market are concentrated in just a few stocks.

This has crowded out many of the other big-name companies investors have relied on for years, causing them to trend down or outright collapse.

Instead, the real gains – and the “new way” of investing – are coming in big, quick bursts. As a result, investing as we know it is dead.

Stocks are no longer climbing steadily like they have for decades. Instead, their gains are appearing in short, quick moves…

Which I like to call “Flash Trends.”

But the problem is most folks can’t anticipate these Flash Trends, so they’re now stuck in stocks either going sideways or even tanking. Or, if they do get lucky enough to get into a stock that experiences a Flash Trend, they won’t time it right… and end up in a stock that’s already experienced its biggest gains.

Thanks to my proprietary quantitative stock-picking system, I’ve found a way to catch Flash Trends before they occur.

Here’s how it works…

About four years ago, when I noticed this big change in the markets, I set out to find the answer to one question: Which combination of factors represent the best precursors that tell us a massive amount of money is about to flow into a stock… that a massive Flash Trend is coming?

After countless hours of research and crunching trillions of data points, I discovered that eight “precursors” – including positive earnings revisions and sales growth – that indicate a Flash Trend is on its way in the very near term:

A precursor is a sign that an event is likely to happen in the future. Many events in life are often preceded by precursors. For example, family history and high cholesterol can be precursors to heart disease. In a less distressing example, the smell of ozone and pets acting weird can be precursors to a thunderstorm.

Such precursors can also clue us into the likelihood of Flash Trends.

Another Case in Point

While not as flashy as NVIDIA – not much is – let’s consider Powell Industries, Inc. (POWL), for example.

Powell started as a local metalworking shop in Houston in 1947. But over the next 75 years, Powell’s operations expanded globally to better meet rising demand.

Today, Powell focuses on the development and manufacture of equipment and systems for electrical infrastructure, which are used by not only petrochemical plants but also pulp and paper mills, oil and gas producers, utilities and transportation facilities.

I recommended the stock on December 11, 2023, to members of my elite service Accelerated Profits. Since then, it has soared 45% – well above the S&P 500’s 21% advance, the Dow’s 13% gain and the NASDAQ’s 25% climb.

But here’s the thing… I didn’t have any inside information – and I didn’t need any luck. My recommendation was based solely on my quantitative system telling me that a Flash Trend was building inside the stock.

Seven of my eight precursors had lined up, which signaled that it was time to buy. And as you can in the chart below, the stock took off shortly after my recommendation.

And then in January of this year, POWL soared more than 50% on its blowout quarterly report, so I told my Accelerated Profits subscribers take partial gains. Those who had invested $7,500 when I first recommended POWL in December 2023 would’ve claimed about a $3,330 on their initial investment in less than three months.

My quantitative system has also led to quick wins like…

  • A 52% gain in Teekay Tankers Ltd. (TNK) in about six months.
  • A 147% gain in GasLog Partners LP (GLOP) in just over a year.
  • And a 102% gain in Ardmore Shipping Corporation (ASC) in only six months.

Just to name a few.

The bottom line: If you can anticipate these Flash Trends, it’s possible to make incredible returns in very short periods of time.

To learn more about Flash Trends, watch my Flash Trend Event briefing here. In this briefing, I tell you everything you need to know about my quantitative system… those eight precursors… and more.

I also share where you can find the four stocks my system targeted that are set to experience Flash Trends. In each of these companies, we see all eight precursors aligned in the prime position. I believe any of these stocks has the potential to hand you 100% gains in the next six months.

You can find the Flash Trend Event briefing here.


Louis Navellier's signature

Louis Navellier

Editor, Market 360

The Editor hereby discloses that as of the date of this email, the Editor, directly or indirectly, owns the following securities that are the subject of the commentary, analysis, opinions, advice, or recommendations in, or which are otherwise mentioned in, the essay set forth below:

Ardmore Shipping Corporation (ASC), Microsoft Corporation (MSFT), NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) and Powell Industries, Inc. (POWL)

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