Apple Rumors and AAPL Stock News – iPhone Sales Projection, Steve Jobs on WiFi and More


Here’s the latest Apple rumors and news on AAPL stock as of Friday June 25. We’ll cover everything from Steve Jobs and WiFi sync to iPhone sales to Apple Inc. taking another stab at OS X branding.

Analyst Predicts 1.5 million in iPhone 4 Sales: Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster predicts that Apple Inc. (AAPL) could very well have sold 1.5 million iPhone 4s during yesterday’s launch. Munster’s detailed analysis also reporter to investors that 77% of iPhone 4 purchasers yesterday were upgrading from previous iPhone models. “The bottom line: 77% of new iPhone buyers were existing iPhone owners (upgrades), compared to 56% in 2009 and 38% in 2008. Apple is effectively building a recurring revenue stream from a growing base of iPhone users that upgrade to the newest version every year or two.” Munster’s analysis was based on a survey of 608 iPhone 4 buyers waiting outside of Apple retailers in New York City, Minneapolis, and San Francisco. Also notable was that only 28% of those surveyed also owned AAPL’s iPad device, but 39% of the non-owners surveyed intend to purchase one in the next 12 months.

Apple Considering OS X Rebranding: AAPL is considering rebranding their home computer operating system OS X under the iOS moniker due to the popularity of their iPhone and iPad devices, according to a rumor at Hardmac. Home operating system’s would be renamed iOS desktop while portable devices would run on iOS portable under the new branding.

Steve Jobs says iPhone WiFi Sync Coming ‘Someday’: Apple rejected Wi-Fi Sync, an application that allowed iPhone users to sync their smartphone to their laptop or desktop computer wirelessly, from its app store this past May. iPhone user Rick Proctor asked AAPL CEO Steve Jobs whether the functionality would ever come to the iPhone via email to which Jobs responded, “Yep, someday.” That’s confirmation if we’ve ever heard it.

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