Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

3 Healthcare ETFs That Will Bounce Back in 2017

2016 was a bad year for healthcare ETFs, but with the presidential election behind us, ETFs like IHI, CNCR and PTH could see a surge.

Should You Buy Emerging Markets in 2017? (VWO)

A number of developing tailwinds for emerging markets could translate into a big 2017 for the Vanguard FTSE Emerging Market ETF (VWO).

3 International ETFs That Can Take Advantage of the Fed

One way to prepare for the coming rate hike is to look to international ETFs like DXJ, BNDX and DBEF for some diversity.

The 3 Best ETFs for BIG Preferred Stock Dividends

Preferred stock ETFs offer intriguing opportunities for those seeking higher yields. In fact, you can earn dividends exceeding 5% using these three ETFs.

3 mREIT ETFs That Are Living the High (Yield) Life

Mortgage REITs are having a ball, as are mREIT ETFs that hold them. But do be careful around these three high-yield plays.

3 ETFs That Will Get You TRUE Portfolio Diversification

Investors looking for true portfolio diversification should consider these three ETFs with nearly zero correlation with the SPY.

3 Ways to Make Emerging Markets Pay You Dividends

Emerging markets dividend ETFs like HILO, DVYE and LVHE give you an easy way to position for growth in these areas.

The 10 Best ETFs to Buy for 2017 and Beyond

Exchange-traded funds are a great way to position your portfolio for the new year. Here's 10 of the best ETFs for 2017's biggest trends.

5 Cyclical Sector ETFs to Tackle Trump & the Fed

Here's why these cyclical sector ETFs are our bets of the hour.

What Tech Crash? These ETFs are Still Top Picks

These top-ranked tech ETFs should stand tall amid Trump-related worries over the broader tech sector.

The 3 Best ETFs to Capture Small-Cap Growth

Several funds are worthy of best-ETFs status, particularly for investors who can stomach added volatility in search of small-cap growth.

3 Retail ETFs to Buy for 2016’s Holiday Season

Forget broad consumer discretionary ETFs. Try these tactical retail ETFs to better your chances on profiting off 2016's holiday shopping.

Does Your ETF Portfolio Need a Trump Transformation?

While a number of stocks and ETFs are getting a 'Trump bump,' don't go blindly chasing every trend on a whim.

3 Biotech ETFs for Decades of Big Returns

It doesn't matter who is in charge; biotech stocks will always be major growth engines. Here are three of the best biotech ETFs to buy.

How to Profit off of Trump’s Infrastructure Plan

These companies and stocks are going to be boosted by even faster, bigger growth as a result of Trump’s infrastructure and energy policies.

3 Gold ETFs to Profit Big in Uncertain Times

Given the uncertainty around his presidency, Trump's surprise win is bullish for gold over the next few years. Here's 3 gold ETFs to buy.

The Dragon Will Roar Again: 3 China ETFs to Put in Your Portfolio

Despite the current hiccups, China ETFs belong in your portfolio for the long-term. Here are three of the best funds to buy.

Buy the SPDR S&P Biotech (ETF) (XBI) TODAY – Here’s Why

Biotech stocks and the SPDR S&P Biotech ETF (XBI) just shook off a major bugaboo in Hillary Clinton. The XBI ETF will soar as a result.

3 Income ETFs That Deliver 5%-Plus Yields

Income ETFs SDEM, HIPS and GUNR are lobbing off yields of 5% or more, a couple of which could prove sturdy in the face of the Fed's whims.