Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are necessary investments for investors both young and old. They provide essential diversification and can strengthen your returns over the long-term. But there are too many funds for any single investor to sift through. Luckily, our analysts give you the inside track on funds with the smallest minimal investments and funds that charge low fees, so you can maximize your performance.

3 Best Mutual Funds for Healthcare Stocks

Healthcare stocks, as a collective whole, have been among the top equity sector leaders for years and this leadership looks to continue for the foreseeable future.

3 Best Funds Investing in Africa Stocks

Could Africa be the next big emerging markets story? Here are three of the best funds that invest in Africa stocks

The 3 Best Mutual Funds to Play Energy Stocks Right Now

Don't try to cherry pick individual energy stocks off the bottom. You might be better off targeting these more diversified mutual funds.

3 Best American Funds for 2015

The best American Funds for 2015 have outstanding performance records and portfolios strong enough to withstand stock market challenges ahead.

Biggest Mutual Fund Surprises of 2014

We investors are wise to look back at the mutual fund surprises of 2014 to check our forward investment strategies and to maintain our humility in 2015.

Best PIMCO Funds for 2015

Free of the performance drags of the past year, 2015 may be a turnaround year for PIMCO funds. Here are 3 of their best to consider in the New Year.

3 Best T. Rowe Price Funds for 2015

The best T Rowe Price funds for 2015 include two top sector funds and one fund that invests in Africa.

Fidelity Contrafund: Poised for Growth in 2015

2015 could be the best year for Fidelity Contrafund in nearly a decade. Check out the profile and prospects for FCNTX.

5 Best Mutual Funds to Buy for 2015

We put together the 5 best mutual funds to buy in 2015 that, when bought all together, create a small, diversified portfolio.

3 Best Oppenheimer Funds for 2015

These Oppenheimer funds are well-managed and poised to be leaders in 2015. Here are three of the best funds.

Will 2015 Be a Year for the Vice Fund?

The Vice Fund might be ready to return to favor, as "sin stocks" and other consumer defensive plays could be in for a 2015 rebound.

Best BlackRock Funds for 2015

The best BlackRock funds for 2015 are likely to be those that are well-manage category leaders with portfolios ripe for a solid year ahead.

3 Best Vanguard Funds for 2015

Check out our list of the best Vanguard funds for 2015 to make sure you get the highest returns for the lowest cost.

The 5 Best Fidelity Funds for 2015

Complement your existing portfolio or start building one from scratch with five of the best Fidelity funds out there.

Best Janus Funds to Buy for 2015

These three funds can benefit from the new Janus momentum, but also are well-managed and have the best performance potential for the coming year.

2 Best Funds to Profit From a Strong U.S. Dollar

Right now, the U.S. dollar is stronger than everything else in the world. So, it’s a great time to invest in foreign assets, and BWG and DSL certainly are doing it right.

Bill Gross’s Worst Bond Funds of 2014

Half of the worst-performing funds in 2014 are Pimco funds. See which bond funds managed by Bill Gross are the biggest losers.

More Fixed Income From Vanguard Funds: The Ultra-Short-Term Bond Fund

By early 2015, the Vanguard funds lineup will include a new ultra-short-term bond fund. Here's what you need to know.

Bill Gross & Janus Get a Very Large Vote of Confidence

Bill Gross and his new fund just got a huge shot in the arm. Should you follow him to Janus?