Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are necessary investments for investors both young and old. They provide essential diversification and can strengthen your returns over the long-term. But there are too many funds for any single investor to sift through. Luckily, our analysts give you the inside track on funds with the smallest minimal investments and funds that charge low fees, so you can maximize your performance.

Which Vanguard Funds Hold Alibaba?

These Vanguard funds bought Alibaba (BABA) shares in September when Alibaba had one of the biggest initial public offerings of the decade.

The 3 Best Short-Term Bond Funds to Buy Now

With a rise in interest rates coming closer, now is a good time to consider buying one of these three best short-term bond funds.

What’s Next for Credit-Heavy Closed-End Funds?

Taking a chance on stagnant CEF prices at current levels makes a lot of sense from both an income and capital appreciation perspective.

Best Mutual Funds That Act Like Hedge Funds

Today's uncertain and volatile environment calls for a good hedging strategy. Check out these mutual funds that act like hedge funds.

Is Now a Good Time for TIPS Funds?

With inflation at low levels, prices for TIPS funds are attractive, especially if you believe higher inflation is just around the corner.

3 Best Bond Fund Managers of the Decade

If you want to find the best bond funds, begin with our list of best bond fund managers of the decade.

3 Mutual Funds With 10 Years of Positive Returns

If you are looking for stability, check out these mutual funds that have put in 10 consecutive years of positive returns.

3 Bond Funds for an Unpredictable Market

Interest rates and bond prices are unpredictable. Here are three bond funds to buy now for uncertain economic and market conditions.

Best Funds No One Knows About

Buffett and Gross agree that 'smaller is better' in the world of asset management. Here are three of the best funds with low AUM.

The Best and Worst Funds for Rising Interest Rates

Now that rising interest rates are looking increasingly likely for 2015, now is the time to start structuring your portfolio accordingly to maximize returns and minimize losses.

Mutual Funds: 3 Biggest Losers of Q3

Identifying the worst mutual funds of Q3 can be just as meaningful as identifying the best funds when gauging the market and economy.

Bill Gross: Return of the ‘Bond King’ at Janus Capital

Can Bill Gross return to his bond king glory days with Janus Capital? Our perspective tells us not to bet against Mr. Gross.

5 Great Value Funds to Buy Now

Whether you are looking to reduce market risk or just want to fill the value allocation in your portfolio, these great funds should top your list.

Best Socially Responsible Funds to Buy Now

The idea that socially responsible investing will limit your returns is beginning to change. Check out the top 3 SRI funds as proof.

Active Funds vs. Index Funds: Best Funds Since 1999

Find out which index funds have performed best over the past 15 years across large caps, mid caps, small caps and sector funds.

Vanguard Index Funds – The 3-Fund ‘Lazy’ Portfolio

Looking for the ultimate investment strategy? Consider "lazy" portfolios like this three-fund group of Vanguard index funds.

3 Low-Risk Mutual Funds With High Returns

We found three mutual funds that are competitive with the S&P 500, but have below-average risk portfolios compared to the all-stock index.

SEC Investigates Shady Mutual Fund & Brokerage Firm Dealings

Investors are largely unaware that millions of dollars are paid to brokerage firms every year by mutual fund companies to encourage the sale of certain mutual funds.

10 Excellent Mutual Funds to Put in Your 401K (Part 1)

Actively managed mutual funds still have a place -- and that's in your 401k. Here are the first five of 10 mutual funds I love for the long term.