Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

Best Retirement Investing Strategies

Our financial professionals provide investors who are concerned with their retirement the savviest, most actionable advice to live their best financial life. Whether it’s teaching young investors how to invest in their company’s 401k plan, covering the bond market or ranking Vanguard’s target-date funds, we’ll file it here.

Is the Bond Bubble Over?

Is the bond bubble over? If U.S. Treasury bonds fall, investors can cash in by investing in the ProShares Short Bond ETF (NYSE: TBT).

Why a Mutual Fund’s Total Expenses Should Change its Ranking

An analysis finds that a fund's rating can be misleading if expenses aren't included

Vanguard Capital Value Mutual Fund Reopens

The Vanguard Capital Value Mutual Fund (VCVLX) has reopened to new mutual fund and 401k investors.

Best Vanguard Mutual Funds for Your 401k

Vanguard mutual funds are frequently featured in 401k investing plans, and here are the company's best offerings for your 401k.

Top 5 ETFs for This Week

ETFs can help you prepare for a "bad" market by creating profits on the downside. One such "short" ETFs should be on your radar this week.

Why Target-Date Funds Can Miss Marks

Target-date funds are popular investment choices in 401(k) plans but there are caveats for investors.

7 Buys for Gen X Investors

Think buy & hold is dead? Think again. These long-term, low-risk plays could prove profitable for those with a decade or two 'til retirement.

401k Retirement Portfolio Gone Bad? Here’s How to Fix It

These are trying times for 401k funds, retirement portfolios and stock investors. Yields on cash is at depressing levels and the stock market has been flat most of the year. The typical individual investor is swinging for the fences with a blindfold on. Look no further than the trillion dollar retirement plans marketplace, which offers a good case study in the Land of Loserville.

4 Top Vanguard Mutual Funds

They don’t come any bigger than Vanguard mutual funds. With $1.3 trillion in assets and more than 100 mutual funds, Vanguard offers a lot of top 401k fund options to investors looking for a one-stop shop. Its rock-bottom expenses make it the low-cost fund family – and lower expenses boost returns for your 401k.

401k Hardship Withdrawals Hit New High

High unemployment numbers and the looming threat of foreclosure are contributing factors to a record number of workers deciding to dip into their 401k retirement accounts, according to a report from Fidelity Investments.

401k Retirement Planning – What to Do When You Change Jobs

If you are changing jobs for any reason, but especially if you have been laid off, you are faced with a financial decision no less important than your career choices. Keeping on top of your retirement funds may seem like a fighting a losing battle with all the information out there about Roth IRA conversion, individual retirement accounts and other 401k investing issues. But the choices you make now will have effects that matter deeply down the road.

The Truth About Small Investors and the Stock Market

The celebrated Investor Revolution hasn’t been all positives for small investors as we’ve replaced defined benefit plans with 401k plans.

401k Investing Strategy – Is Buying Company Stock Smart?

Do you own company stock within your 401k investing plan or personal investing strategy? If you do then there’s a good chance you’re taking more financial risk than you know. Even though your company’s stock may have done well historically or for your stock market investing portfolio, what happens if the company begins to falter?

401k Investing – SEC Falls Short on Target Funds

Many 401k investors have target funds as part of their mutual fund portfolio. Last week, the SEC proposed new rules they think will help individual 401k retirement investors in target date funds like Vanguard's Target Retirement series, by requiring better disclosure of the funds' asset allocation strategies.

Investing in Stocks Is Your Best Bet Right Now

Though I specialize in Vanguard mutual funds, I have always believed that the way to grow an investor's portfolio is to focus on stocks -- an ownership right in the profits (and sometimes losses) and dividends generated by what we hope are well-managed companies making goods and providing services that companies and people want.

Save Your 401k from Multi-Managed Mayhem

Vanguard announced last week that it's handing an 8.5% piece of the Vanguard Windsor II Fund (VWNFX) to Sanders Capital, and in particular John Mahedy, who used to work on Windsor when he was at AllianceBernstein.

Five Toxic Funds for Your 401(k)

Most everyone with a 401(k) has a limited suite of funds to pick from. That doesn't mean that you should settle for inferior results. You deserve a 401(k) that will provide the returns that allow you to retire comfortably without leaving you open to huge risks -- or the need to continue working into your '90s.

Does ‘Vanguarding’ Really Work?

Vanguard's new marketing push, including trademarking made-up vocabulary word "Vanguarding," is a major branding exercise for the mutual fund and investment company. The bigwigs at Vanguard say it will "educate investors about our way of investing." Really? Well does Vanguard's way of investing include making apples-to-bananas performance comparisons?

The Best Fidelity Funds for Your 401k

Whether your employer is reinstating its 401k match or whether your plan administrator is providing new investment options for 2010, these five Fidelity funds should be the first to buy into when planning your retirement