Housing Rivets Markets Again — Wednesday’s IP Market Recap

Markets extended Tuesday's rally with help from a positive durable goods report, as well as a homebuilder rally fueled by May home sales and Lennar earnings.

Markets Wait and Watch the EU: Tuesday’s IP Market Recap

Markets were held back by a lackluster consumer confidence report and continued concerns over the upcoming European Union summit, but finished ahead on the day.

Should I Buy Electronic Arts? 3 Pros, 3 Cons

The video game stalwart has a lot going for it -- and a cheap valuation to boot.

5 Most ‘Facebook Famous’ Stocks

Companies that are well-'liked' on Facebook also connect with consumers via brand loyalty -- and that's something investors should keep an eye on.

Europe Still Rules the Markets: Monday’s IP Market Recap

Concerns over Europe and a wait-and-see attitude regarding the G20 and Federal Reserve meetings this week kept markets mixed on the day in light trading.

Ryan Seacrest Might Bid for Dick Clark Productions

Radio and TV personality Ryan Seacrest is reportedly considering adding Dick Clark Productions to his list of business ventures.

How to Short Stocks Along With Four Good Candidates

Shorting overvalued stocks is a good way to earn profit without having to be long in the market. Do your homework, and look to these industries to start.

Friday Apple Rumors: Android Tablets Slip While iPad Rises

iPad will grab even more market share from Android; Steve Jobs helped advise Obama re-election campaign; and a lawyer sues Apple over Time Capsule failure.

Solar Flare Sparks Markets — Tuesday’s IP Market Recap

A new deal for First Solar helped lift the solar sector and joined a broader market march forward Tuesday.

A Better Bargain Bet Than Social Networking

Social stocks might look like a bargain right now, but suppress your urges. If you desperately want to hunt the bargain sector bin, consider solar instead.

Should I Buy LinkedIn? 3 Pros, 3 Cons

Despite an impressive record, it faces some serious threats, including a rapidly growing new rival called BranchOut and an inevitable slowdown in its own growth.

Netflix Is No Threat to Akamai

Losing Netflix as the company builds its own content delivery network will have little impact on Akamai's bottom line -- something the market has now realized.

Motif Makes Investing Social

Motif is a Silicon Valley startup with a new online investing concept that looks like loads of fun -- with a side of danger.

Investors Flee in May: Thursday’s IP Market Recap

Markets finished the day down to complete a month that saw losses across the board and all markets. Bond yields and gold prices followed suit.

Should I Buy Zynga Stock? 3 Pros, 3 Cons

It's been down, up and down again. So should you buy now while the shares are cheaper? Here's the good, the bad and the verdict.

Facebook’s Collapse Continues — Tuesday’s IP Market Recap

Facebook once again dominated the market news, falling another 9% on a busy day that included stock market rises for all but two of the Dow components.

Options Traders Frown Upon Facebook

Facebook (FB) options opened to the market Tuesday, and the bulls were out in force, with the put-to-call ratio sitting at better than 2-to-1.

Diary of a Mad Facebook Page

Facebook's still the coolest kid in school ... right?

Facebook Unfriends Zynga, Groupon and other Social Stocks

The initial 'Facebook effect' for the group hasn't been helpful as money seems to be flowing from them and into FB. Plus, their fundamental problems remain.