The Future of Transportation Lies in Flying Cars’ $10 Trillion Market

  • Taking to the skies with flying cars would solve a big traffic problem, so, in the early 2010s, tech companies and VCs across the globe invested in that market.
  • Companies took a “flying-first” approach, creating a new class of aircraft — eVTOL. These are quiet electric helicopters that are much cheaper and much easier to make.
  • Long-term, flying cars will be all over urban areas, acting as trustworthy, affordable “air taxi” options.
  • Pretty much all eVTOL makers are targeting commercial operations launch in 2024.
An image of a futuristic night city with flying cars and futuristic neon glowing glass buildings of unusual shapes, green plants; alien urban architecture skyscrapers, cartoon vector illustration
Source: klyaksun / Shutterstock

If I were to ask you to imagine the future of transportation, what would you picture?

Probably electric vehicles everywhere. Perhaps some hydrogen trucks, too. Maybe they’re all driving themselves. Maybe they’re all connected to this smart city grid of highways and roads.

That’s the future of transportation that most people imagine. It’s also the future of transportation that I imagine. But when I think about how humans will transport themselves in the future, I also think of something else. It’s something most people probably consider downright silly: flying cars.

Yep. You read that right. I think flying cars will play a huge role in the future of transportation. And when I say “future,” I don’t mean 2035 or 2040. I mean 2024.

Again, you read that right. I think we’ll start seeing flying cars in major cities in just two years. And within just a few years of that, I think flying cars will comprise a multi-hundred-billion-dollar industry.

That’s why I believe the next big investment opportunity in the stock market lies in the completely underrated flying car industry.

This may sound crazy to you. If it does, you’re not alone. I pitched this idea to my wife this weekend, and at first, she laughed at me.

But then I showed her my research. I explained the science, illustrated the need. I showed her the companies behind these flying cars. And by the end of our conversation, which lasted several hours, I had convinced her.

Folks, flying cars are coming soon to a city a near you. They’re going to be huge. They’re going to change the way we travel. And they’re the best money-making opportunity that you never knew about.

Flying Cars’ Origin Story

Every revolutionary technological breakthrough has an origin story. When it comes to flying cars, the origin story is mission-critical. Why? It’s so we can understand why we need these next-gen transportation devices in the first place.

Scientists, auto execs, and futurists have all floated the idea of flying cars for decades. For the entire 20th century, investors wrote them off. They were considered “cool but unnecessary” — an impractical science-fiction concept.

Then the 2000s hit.

Thanks to urbanization, population growth, and e-commerce adoption, traffic got worse. Over the past 20 years, we’ve gone from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of e-commerce delivery vans.

Twenty-minute daily commutes became 30-minute commutes…then hour-long commutes… then two-hour-long commutes. We’ve all started wasting our lives on highways trapped inside our cars.

Average time spent travelling

Suddenly, taking to the skies with flying cars would solve a big traffic problem. So, in the early 2010s, tech companies and VCs across the globe invested in that market.

The Flying Car Revolution had began.

The Engineering

The first wave of flying car companies approached the problem in an unconventional way — “flying-first.” The engineering requirements would increase if they started with a car and attempted to make it fly.

In a “flying-first” method, the smallest manned aircraft — helicopters — were designed to be more like cars.

How did they accomplish this?

Essentially, they took a helicopter and made it smaller, cheaper, quieter, more mobile and portable, and fully electric.

So, in the early 2010s, entrenched firms and young startups both set out to create these next-gen helicopters. They became the basis for a new class of “flying cars.”

And eVTOL — “electric vertical takeoff and landing” aircraft — were born.

These aircraft are quiet electric helicopters that are much cheaper and much easier to make. Further, they’re much more mobile than traditional ones. They are exactly what they were designed to be: flying cars.

As you can see above, eVTOL aircraft look very stylish. Most importantly, they represent a huge economic opportunity.

The Vision Behind Flying Cars

What’s the vision for these eVTOL aircraft?

To provide cost-effective, quiet, and fuel-efficient mid-haul air transport.

Today, we have excellent short- and long-haul transportation options. Need to go from Los Angeles to New York? Hop on a plane. Need to grab some groceries? Hop in your car.

But there exists a huge “gap” in the market for mid-haul transport.

Let’s say you want to go from Los Angeles to San Diego. Well, a plane trip is awfully expensive. A car trip can take up to three or four hours, depending on traffic. A train will take at least two hours. And an Uber (UBER) will cost hundreds of dollars, especially with today’s fares.

The transportation world lacks excellent mid-haul options. eVTOL aircraft aim to fix that.

They’ll work something like this…

Imagine you live in downtown Los Angeles and want to spend the weekend in San Diego. In the future, you’ll drive your car down to a local vertiport — a small-scale airport for eVTOLs — and park your car. You’ll hop into an eVTOL and, for no more than $100, will be flown to a San Diego vertiport. You’ll deplane, hop in an Uber, and ride to your hotel.

It’ll take about 30 minutes (less than a plane ride after factoring in security times). And it’ll cost less than a car trip.

It’s the ideal mid-haul transport solution.

And it’ll be used everywhere. Los Angeles to San Diego was just an example. Think New York City to Boston; Philadelphia to Washington, D.C; Miami to Orlando; Dallas to Houston; Reno to Las Vegas; San Francisco to Sacramento.

eVTOLs can be used all across the country — the world, even. And they won’t just be used for transporting people but goods, too.

Long-term, flying cars will be all over urban areas, acting as trustworthy, affordable “air taxi” options.

The Development

When I describe eVTOL mid-haul transport ecosystems to friends, they usually say: “Sounds cool. But I doubt we’ll see anything like that in the next 10 years.

That’s a common misconception. eVTOL mid-haul transport ecosystems aren’t 10 years away. They’re less than two!

Remember when I told you that a whole bunch of tech companies were working on this problem? Well, their efforts have paid off. And now, there are dozens of working flying cars in the world.

Boeing (BA) has an eVTOL aircraft. Airbus (EADSY) has one. Uber had one. About a half-dozen air taxi startups have one, too.

The next generation of aircraft has arrived. Sure, it will take some time for these new aircraft to become widely adopted — but not that much.

Right now, this industry is booming. And within two years, you’ll be able to hail flying cars in certain cities like you hail an Uber today.

For example, one eVTOL maker completed a successful hover test in December 2021. Another successfully completed public demos in Singapore, Dubai, and Las Vegas. Another will be an official aircraft operator in 2022. One maker has ~1,300 orders. Another has almost 2,000 orders valued at more than $5 billion. Another is building an eVTOL aircraft for UPS (UPS) to shuttle goods between fulfillment centers.

And pretty much all are targeting commercial operations launch in 2024.

Folks, we are standing on the precipice of a new era in transportation.

Welcome to the “Flying Car Revolution” — a $3 TRILLION urban air mobility transformation.

The Final Word on Flying Cars

No one is talking about the emerging $3 trillion eVTOL market today. But everyone will be talking about it by 2025.

That “delta” is your opportunity. Investors who place bets on leading air taxi stocks today are giving themselves the chance to make millions over the next five-plus years.

But you have to buy the right flying car stocks.

So… which are the best to buy right now?

Believe it or not, there are several companies building flying cars that stand apart from the pack today as the best stocks to buy right now.

By far and away, these are the most mature eVTOL makers on the market. So where can you find these eVTOL stocks? Well, we’ve covered several promising companies.

In fact, these are stocks with 10X-plus potential.

It’s time that you learn their names and unlock the opportunity of a lifetime.

On the date of publication, Luke Lango did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article.

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