Wal-Mart to Fight Obesity With New Grocery Label

Wal-Mart Great For You LabelThis year, Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) will be rolling out the “Great For You” label making it easier for consumers to determine which foods are healthy. This move by the nation’s largest grocer and retailer could make a significant impact on obesity in America and will live up to its 2011, Michelle Obama-endorsed plans to help America eat right.

The “Great for You” label is a white outline of a person doing jumping-jacks in front of a green background. It will be put on fruits and vegetables as well as in-house Great Value and Marketside products deemed healthy by Wal-Mart — they will be providing detailed criteria for the placement of the icon on their website.

Here’s how Wal-Mart will make sure unhealthy products don’t sneak in:


“Great For You” Label No “Great For You” Label
Raisins Dried Fruit with Sugar Added
Plain Oatmeal Sweetened Oatmeal
Brown Rice White Rice
Plain or Artificially Sweetened Yogurt Yogurt Sweetened with Sugar
Skim Milk Whole Milk

What do you think of Wal-Mart’s new label?

Read the full story on MSNBC.

— Andrew Lander, InvestorPlace @andrewlander

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2012/02/wal-mart-to-fight-obesity-with-new-grocery-label-wmt/.

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