Snapchat Triples Video Traffic in 6 Months

Snapchat video views in the last six months have tripled.

snapchat-fbThe app is now seeing users view videos 6 billion times a day. This has it gaining on social media website Facebook (FB), which has 8 billion views each day. However, neither has caught up to Google’s (GOOG,GOOGL) YouTube, which has over a billion viewers that pull in massive views every day, reports Financial Times.

Snapchat closing in on Facebook’s video views is a triumph for the app. It’s competing against a service that is available to web and mobile users, while only be available on mobile devices. Both Facebook and Snapchat count videos as being viewed if only the first few seconds have been watched, Financial Times notes.

Fortune notes that it’s hard to compare video views between Facebook and Snapchat due to how they work. For example, many Snapchat videos disappear once they’ve been viewed, but Facebook’s stay available after being watched.

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