I believe there is another type of investment opportunity that can provide additional currency diversification, and every investor should consider buying shares for their global portfolio. Specifically, I’m talking about ETFs. In China Strategy, I’m currently recommending four ETFs that are designed to counteract the impact of the falling dollar by investing in foreign countries. I’d like to tell you about two of the most exciting ones now.
A China-Driven Boom
My first ETF is from a Southeastern country that, like many others, was once a British colony—Singapore. Singapore has been smart about positioning itself as a major beneficiary of China’s economic emergence. Mainland China and Hong Kong are Singapore’s biggest trading partners, accounting for 20% of the country’s international trade.
On top of that, Singapore works very hard to get China’s best and brightest to move there. My research associate, Fei, told me that when he started his freshman year at China’s elite Tsinghua University, the Singapore government sent recruiters to his school. The students were encouraged to sign seven-year contracts: Four years would be spent completing their degrees at top Singapore universities on full scholarships, and then the students would be required to stay for a minimum of three more years after graduation. Most of these young people eventually become Singapore citizens and end up making a good living in the country’s information technology and financial service industries. This is exactly the type of immigration policy that drives economic growth.
You may not know this because of news reports about the meddling nature of the government, but Singapore has developed a free-market economy supported by foreign investment and rapid government-directed industrialization. Consider this surprising statistic: With a population of only four million, Singapore has the world’s seventh-largest foreign reserve.
Singapore’s average annual economic growth rate is more than 7% over the last three years, and that’s the kind of growth that we’re looking for at China Strategy. As an added bonus, the Singapore dollar is not pegged to the U.S. dollar, so currency there is not subject to pressure from the falling greenback.
The best way to play Singapore is through an ETF because it gives us exposure to all of the country’s strongest sectors in one single investment. In fact, the Singapore ETF that I recommend has already handed China Strategy subscribers nearly 30% in profits since March. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest in Singapore’s booming economy while decreasing your exposure to the weakening dollar—join China Strategy today to learn all of the details about this exciting investment! I expect our ETF to continue climbing as Singapore keeps reaping the benefits of China’s incredible growth.
Now let’s take a look at another ETF that will benefit from the dollar’s current predicament and the China Miracle.
One for the Gold Bugs
For much of my career as a professional investor, I regarded gold as a barbaric relic of antiquity. But in the summer of 2004, when oil broke through $40 a barrel, I realized that we’d entered a new era—a multi-year commodity bull market driven by emerging economies and led by China. My perception of gold changed.
I bought gold mining stocks then because I knew how much the Chinese love gold. Gold rings, necklaces and metals are favorite gifts between family members in China, especially among the older generation. Additional demand from India and the Middle East also contributed to this new bull market in gold. As oil money flooded the coffers of OPEC nation Treasuries, the growing distrust between Islamic nations and the West prompted oil sheikhs to diversify their dollar holdings into gold.
According to the IMF, China currently has just 1.4% of its total foreign exchange reserve in gold—the lowest amongst major central banks. Many central banks have more than 5% of their total reserves in gold bullion. If China boosts its gold holdings (currently at 600 tons) to 5% of its total reserves, it will need to buy an additional 1,550 tons of gold—that’s over 60% of the world’s total mining supply in 2005!
Even if China only shifts a small portion of its reserves to gold, the effect on gold prices will be staggering. And rumors are circulating in China that the shift to gold has already begun.
Between the Chinese central bank, Islamic oil money and jewelry demand from emerging economies like India, gold is well set for another leg up in its bull market. I believe that over the next two years, gold prices will not only continue to challenge the all-time high reached in January of 1980, but move beyond it.
We want in on this action, but I don’t think mining stocks are the way to go anymore with gold. The purest way to participate in a gold bullion rally (without the logistical hassles of buying the yellow metal directly) is through the ETF I’m currently recommending to my China Strategy subscribers. This ETF is backed by gold bullion, and its price tracks the performance of the metal. The shares can be bought and sold instantly through any standard brokerage account and have an average daily trading volume of over three million shares. The ease of use, liquidity and lack of sales charges makes this gold ETF a unique and surefire way to ride the next wave of the bull market in gold. To get all the details on this ETF, become a China Strategy member risk-free today.
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It’s clear to me that with the recent rate cuts the Fed is willing to let the dollar to continue to fall in order to stimulate the U.S. economy. In an environment where the U.S. dollar is falling, investors need to invest in assets denominated in undervalued currencies (like the Chinese yuan and Singapore dollar), or in inflation hedges (like gold). As investors in Chinese companies, we’re already positioned for a rapid increase in the Chinese currency, but there’s more money to be made across Asia.
Do you know which countries are cashing in on the dollar’s weakness? Join me today and I’ll give you a free report that explains exactly where to invest. My report, China Via ETFs, names three Asian ETFs that are benefiting from the China Miracle. It’s yours instantly if you sign up now—but hurry, this offer is only available for a limited time. And if you discover in the first three months that China Strategy isn’t right for you, I’ll refund your money no questions asked. You have nothing to lose, and a world of profits to gain!