Security is a national issue, of course, but the security most investors worry about is not the type involving tanks and missiles.
This is the type of security that involves family reunions and Tiffany’s. A trip, a tip, some time to recharge.
This is ALSO the type of security that may involve retirement delayed– even reversed. An orange apron as a Home Depot greeter. A foreclosure, a missed payment, a family that fears your dependency, even your phone calls.
As usual, in times of great change, there are winners and losers. But mark my words, this year will go down as…The Winner Takes All Year.
But here’s the good part–I hope. It is still up to you. The decisions you make now will cast a very long shadow.
Let’s talk about how to deal with the real issue we now face: security, and how you sleep at night.
But first, let’s consider one more ugly possibility. You must prepare for this. There is a very real possibility that, as a result of the November election…
You Will Be Taxed Into Oblivion by the Next President
Obama’s presidential plan for you is not pretty. Propelled by a socialist doctrine, he will hound successful Americans, entrepreneurs, CEOs and investors to death–and beyond.
We must face facts–and prepare for taxes, taxes, taxes (see also, “Survive the Tax Bomb With These 5 Stocks“).
My question to you is this: How will you prepare for what every financial conservative believes is a nightmare? Do you have a plan? Are you prepared for the worst? In a winner-takes-all world, you’d better have a good answer to such questions.
And What if I’m Wrong?
Yes, McCain could pull off a win, it’s true. But Congress will still be Democratic and McCain will be its chew-toy.
So you can count on absolute turmoil NO MATTER WHO WINS. Here’s the bottom line on all of this:
First, it’s STILL “the economy stupid.” Capitalism cannot be saved by the socialists at the Federal Reserve or by a Republican or a Democrat in the White House.
Second, it’s STILL up to you. Your flexibility, your values, your decisions.
Time Bombs in Your Portfolio
Most of the companies stashed away in the portfolios of conservative investors are ticking time bombs with:
• slowing earnings already showing up in quarterly reports
• negative cash flow in 2008
• narrowing operating margins, and
• slowing sales growth
You must get away from these losers–before the November election. IT DOESN’T MATTER who’s in the White House. If you own…> such stocks during an economic pullback–you, my friend, are in the Doghouse.
These stocks won’t just get a wrist slap. They’ll get STOMPED.
I’ve named 150 of the worst offenders in an economic report simply called Avoid These Losers and it tell you exactly what you must do now to protect yourself from the market’s weakest companies (see also, “Election Season: A Great Time to Sell Stocks“).
Feast or Famine?
So, you may be wondering what stocks WILL thrive in this tumultuous environment. Bluntly, there won’t be many–but they will do extremely well. They live within their means and never “enhance” their performances.
They have fat dividends, they have growing operating margins, their earnings are accelerating, and analysts are falling over themselves to revise their estimates upwards.
But ABOVE ALL–and this is so vital I’ll put it in capital letters: ABOVE ALL THEIR BUSINESS IS NOT TIED TO THE HEALTH OF THE U.S. ECONOMY.
Most investors I talk to need to HALVE the number of holdings tied to the U.S. dollar and economy–and DOUBLE the number of holdings with thriving overseas
And there are many more winning enterprises I can give you chapter and verse on in a second economic report called The 28 Winners of ’08-’09.
Consider these two reports, Avoid These Losers and The 28 Winners of ’08-’09, two cornerstones of your investment strategy for the year ahead. Don’t face the next year and a new presidential administration without first consulting these reports closely–and soon. Find out more.
Sign up for your risk-free trial subscription to Richard Young’s Intelligence Report, and let him show you how to prepared in this tumultuous next 12 months.. You’ll get complete details in his newly released reports, Avoid These Losers and The 28 Winners of ’08-’09, when you join today. Plus, receive up to 16 additional reports immediately online. Click here now for more details.