Riding the Great Stimulus Bandwagon

On Thursday, February 26, at 4:30 p.m. EST you will learn what you should know and exactly what you should do to cash in on the extraordinary
measures being unveiled in Washington.

This live webinar, Your Recovery Plan is FREE, but you must sign up now.

The effect of the Stimulus Act only begins to kick in later this year, but markets look ahead. And two types of stock are poised, ready to leap ahead in March.

One type is the already-superbly run global franchise. The Stimulus Act is aimed at the middle class, make no mistake, and this is where the WalMarts and Pepsis of the world make their money.

In Your Recovery Plan, I’ll show you how the Stimulus plan is a Franchise Boom Act!

The second type of stock to win is the small company that can nimbly retool to qualify for Washington munificence.

You Gotta Have A Plan

Your Recovery Plan is not only about picking the Stimulus winners. It’s about developing a plan.

A plan that works for you. A plan that works fast, so that you can get back to having a future free of worry.

The core of this important live webinar is this: You can slam out profits day after day during rallies…you are always out of the way of the slumps…and you never, ever have to wait for a bull market.

Let me be clear: No bull market will bail you out. The Stimulus Act, the bank and Detroit rescue plan, and the $50 billion housing plan — none of these will conjure up a bull. Indeed, as we saw yesterday, the skepticism is deep, and new lows are likely.

But huge rallies occur with surprising frequency and predictability during bear markets.

Did you know that?

And Your Recovery Plan will help you turn these rallies into fabulous profit bonanzas. Sign up here.

Free Online Seminar. Join Richard Band for this urgent live event, Thursday, February 26, 4:30 p.m. EST. It’s yours FREE, online at your computer.


You must buy stocks that are cash-rich throw aways.  And you must sell them as they rocket up in months — or even weeks.

But you must never marry them!

Example:  In April 1930, the market leapt 48% — in one month!

In October 1931, the market soared 35% in as many days!

Your Recovery Plan is designed to capture these bear market rallies.

I make it…a SYSTEM. No mystery, no guesswork. It’s a plan, a path. All you have to do is put one foot in front of another and follow it!

Do this, and each time there’s a rally, you’re there scooping up the profits.

It’s so simple, it’s almost automatic.

Best of all, Your Recovery Plan is FREE.

Here’s A Taste Of My Your Recovery Plan

This is a SYSTEM — simple to follow, easy to use, no guesswork, ever, no worries about 770-point down days, PLUS you get killer profits from every rally and no waiting for the return of a bull.

  1. Why defense stocks should do well under Obama. 
  2. Which cash-rich throw away stocks are ready to lead a sharp post-Inauguration rally.
  3. Why you should sell gold now! Cash in on gold’s drop under Obama with this double-short gold stock!
  4. The new weighting of fixed income to stocks for your portfolio. Almost certainly, you are overexposed.
  5. The case for…IBM! Lowest P/E since 1996, little debt, profits up 22%. Back up the truck!
  6. Why 8% yields in these AA-rated bonds should be your first purchase for the Obama Era.
  7. TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) were dumb. Now they’re smart — and they beat money market funds by a mile!
  8. Sell these 9 mismanaged mutual funds — today!
  9. Exactly when to buy into rallies. No-Guesswork System for snagging the big “up” days.
  10. 3 banks you’ll be glad you bought today. Yep, banks.
  11. Bucking the trend — look who’s raising dividends. And here’s a surprise: Those companies who’ve kept or raised their dividends are paying out over 4% right now!
  12. And that’s just a small taste. Register here.

Let My Experience Guide You

I’ve been at this since President Nixon took us off the gold standard. I know all about government meddling. 

My System makes your profits inevitable, and here’s the thing: My System works no matter what!

That’s why, if you had followed my System for the past 8 years, you would have 73% more money today than if you had bought an index fund!

Register now — it’s FREE!

Free Online Seminar. Join Richard Band for this urgent live event, Thursday, February 26, 4:30 p.m. EST. It’s yours FREE, online at your computer.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2009/02/how-to-profit-from-the-stimulus-act/.

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