Apple Inc. Rumors and AAPL Stock News – 2M iPads in July, but Korea Upset Over Antenna

Here’s the latest Apple Inc. rumors and news on AAPL stock as of Tuesday, July 6. It appears that Apple Inc. could be gearing up to manufacture 2 million iPads in July — and that antenna woes could hurt AAPL in Korea.

iPhone 4 Antenna Problems Could Hurt AAPL in Korea: According to the Wall Street Journal AAPL and SK Telecom (SKM) want to bring the iPad and the iPhone 4 to Korea as soon as possible. AAPL shareholders are undoubtedly salivating at the prospect of having even more carriers in a mobile hungry market like Korea, especially after the success AAPL has had selling iPhones through Korean carrier KT. So what’s the problem? The same problem iPhone 4 users have been having since the product launched: antenna issues. The Wall Street Journal says that SKM chief executive Jung Man-won is leery of selling AAPL’s products after the uproar over signal issues and antenna problems. Mr. Jung said, “We’ve built a solid reputation for offering good after-service for handsets, and we can’t take any risks.” Better get on hiring those new antenna engineers, Mr. Jobs. (Related Article: Google Android Browser Losing vs. Apple iPad)

AAPL Studies iTunes Customers to Compete with GOOG: Apple’s brand new iAd program is looking to break off a piece of that sweet targeted mobile advertising Google Inc. (GOOG) enjoys. AAPL shareholders especially want iAd to succeed; EMarketer Inc. predicts that mobile ads will pull in $1.56 billion by 2013. Google became the leader in web advertising by targeting ads based on users’ web surfing habits. According to a report at Bloomberg, AAPL is using a similar tactic with iAd. Apple is using data culled from iTunes and App Store clients to build their targeted advertising on the iPhone 4, iPad, and other devices with iAd support. iAd already has Nissan, Best Buy (BBY), AT&T (T), and JC Penney (JCP) as clients.

AAPL to Manufacture 2 Million iPads in July: Supply, as you might expect, increases in tandem with demand. DigiTimes is reporting that Apple has ordered around 2.3 million iPads be manufacted by Taiwanese manufacturers in July. This is following a DigiTimes estimate that Apple would up iPad production to 1.2 million units a month.

As of this writing, Anthony Agnello did not own a position in any of the stocks mentioned here.

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